Off The Record
‘Every Time I Post My Baby Boy’s Photo Online, People Beg Me To Stop’
Every time Natasha posts a new photo of her one-year-old kid on social media, she is bombarded with horrific comments from strangers screaming with her to stop.
But she ignores the criticism and still sharing photos of Raedyn online.
The American single mom of two declared on TikTok that he had no intention of giving up. There’s nothing less about him than his appearance would suggest.

It’s impossible to overstate how incredible he is.
Deformities of the skull, face, and limbs are hallmarks of Pfeiffer syndrome, which Raedyn was born with.
Natasha isn’t going to let that stop her from sharing photos of her cute daughter online.
The world over, people were quick to respond viciously to these posts.
@risewithraedyn This might be silly to you, but to us this means he is building his oral muscles 🫶🏼 #risewithraedyn #pfeiffersyndrome #craniosynostosis #morealikethandifferent ♬ Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy) – Ultimate Mix – John Lennon
On TikTok, someone said cruelly, “What quality of life will he have?” while another added, “Why would you make him live like that?” You’re allowing him to live such a wretched existence.”
Natasha has to deal with hostile reactions every time she puts Raedyn out in public, on top of the cruel comments she receives online.
“People come up to me and say, ‘What’s wrong with your child?’” “Or why does your child look like that?”… not that’s how you talk to a human being,” she explained.
Natasha continued by saying she doesn’t get why people are so quick to judge her son based on his appearance.

She claimed that he acts like any other kid his age. He certainly have a unique appearance, but it in no way diminishes him.
She will keep fighting till her last breath because he is worthy of life and dignity.
She criticized people who are rude to her son in public, stating that she doesn’t understand why they feel it’s acceptable to approach her when she’s out running errands and bring up Raedyn’s illness.
She said it best when she said that people need to remember that her child is just a newborn and that she is just a mother.
However, his illness does not serve as the focal point of their daily existence.

Though he may have a unique appearance, his mission in life is not limited to merely educating the masses, as she fears many may assume.
Feeling like she has to continuously explaining her son’s medical issues to new people and giving the same diagnosis is mentally and emotionally demanding.
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Simply put, they’re a typical American family. She believes that one day, the world will accept disabled people for who they are, regardless of how they look or what they can or cannot do.
Please SHARE this amazing baby with your Family and Friends!