Off The Record
8 Warning Signs You’re Dealing With A Covert Narcissist
When there is a narcissist in your group of friends, you might not be able to tell early on because they have a clever way of manipulating people and blending in.
These people have a way of making you confide in them by acting like Mr. Know-it-all. They think they are at the top of the game and will always consider you below them.
These people are usually considered as outgoing people in life. They have a dominant attention-seeking nature. These people are rare but they are very much out in the real world and we must know how to deal with them.
Here are some quality traits of people who are diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder:
1. These people tend to be extremely irresponsible. They are unable, or even at times unwilling, to behave in a mature, responsible manner. They lack the effort required to follow through in times of normalness.
2. They are bad listeners. They don’t tend to ask questions and, even if you are speaking, they will seem zoned out and not attentive towards you, which means they don’t give you the importance you deserve. They tend to throw out a quick advice and continue with what they want to talk about instead of letting you talk at your pace.
3. They have an inability to cope in relationships which is why they are often toxic people to be in a relationship with. They have this desperate need to be in relationship with someone who would give them extreme prioritization and attentions so as to fulfill their need of making them feel like they are the center of attention. They also want to constantly portray themselves as superior.
4. They are desperate for validation whether it is in real life or Facebook likes. For example, if they don’t get enough likes on a picture in a given time frame, they would feel embarrassed about putting it up and rather delete it. They also keep checking their posts to see if they got enough likes on it. They care more than they should about other people instead of looking at what makes them inherently happy.
5. They are unable to work in a group because of their inability to collaborate with other people because they think they are superior and other people will not treat them in a superior manner. This is what they fear, that no one will see the awesomeness they so much believe they are indulged in.
6. They will always minimize your emotions in comparison to their own. They will make you feel like your problems are less important or not big enough to be given attention to in comparison to their own.
Must read: 12 Signs A Narcissist Is Playing Mind Games With Your Mind
7. They have a passive aggressive nature which they use as their defense mechanism. They do not know how to accept criticism from others and in a mature honest manner which would help them grow. Instead, they tend to form a barrier around themselves which blocks out any good advice for their betterment for a loved one, as they wire their thinking in such a manner that leads them to believe that whatever they say is right.
8. They lack empathy when it comes to others and are very egocentric people who show no remorse for their actions when needed. They will not let a single moment go to waste when its time for them to speak because they feel like only their voice is worthy of being heard. They feel as if other people are unnecessary and that they are not worthy of having their voice out in the world to be heard by the masses.
To conclude, it is very hard to point these people out from a group, but once you do, observe their common traits over time and then call them out and confront them in front of others to avoid others falling trap to their manipulation and bad behavior.
Their power lies in individual manipulation so, if they are exposed in public, they will have no power among the group and this might lead them to them still acting stubborn and defensive but eventually they will avoid treating others like they are less.
Featured Image Source: Benoit Daoust ©