Off The Record
This Adorable Dog Sliding Down With Joy Will Warm Your Heart
Look at this adorable cachorro que slide down with joy!
There are certain breeds of dog who are naturally cute – so cute you would just cuddle with them all day! One such breed is that of cachorro que and if you like learning about dogs, you would definitely know about them. For those of you who don’t, well, this video will show you who they are!
We all know how playful dogs are and if they find something to their interest, there is no going back! They stick to it for like forever, just like this loveable little ball of fur who can’t seem to get enough of the slide. Her name is Anitta and she surely loves going down the slide, coming up and then sliding back – isn’t it something we humans love too? Why wouldn’t this lovely pup love it!
Just look at how happy she looks coming back up and then spreading those paws just so she could slide back down – might give you giggles too. It is hard not to smile while watching this video so brace yourself with loads of cuteness coming your way! If you were having a bad day, this will definitely cheer you up – watch it on repeat!
Have you ever thought of having a dog as a pet? Were you brainstorming which one to get? Well, this short clip of Anitta might help you make your decision. It is really heart-warming to see her play like that. You would want to grab her and kiss her right away – but sadly, you couldn’t… Haha! Anyways, she is just as happy as any dog could be and happiness like this is contagious. You would understand once you watch the video.
It looks so delightful looking at Anitta come up the slide, with tail wiggling and those tiny paws at work! You will love watching her play!
Thanks to Amei Saber for publishing this amazing video!
Anitta, a cachorra que tem um escorregador em casa!
Posted by Amei saber on Wednesday, June 6, 2018