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These Images Show Really Bad Neighbors

Off The Record

These Images Show Really Bad Neighbors

We’ve all had noisy neighbors before—the ones who think 2 a.m. is the perfect time for a drum solo or believe their vacuum doubles as a dance partner in the wee hours.

But the folks in these photos take the concept of bad neighbors to an entirely new, and frankly hilarious, level.

Picture this: You wake up one sunny Saturday morning, ready to enjoy your day off, only to find your front yard has been transformed into a parking lot for your neighbor’s extended family reunion.

There’s Uncle Bob’s RV, Cousin Sally’s questionable van, and a tent labeled “Grandma’s Place.” They even have a sign-up sheet for bathroom time in your home.

But wait, it gets better. Imagine you’re settling down for a quiet evening when you hear a strange noise coming from your backyard.

You peek out the window to see your neighbor using your garden gnome as a makeshift hammer. Why? Because, apparently, their gnome went on vacation, and yours is just “borrowing” some work hours.

And then there’s the note. Oh, the note! You come home to find a piece of paper stuck to your door with an old piece of gum (thanks for that). It starts off mildly enough: “Hey neighbor, could you keep it down?” Fair enough, right?

But then it takes a wild turn: “Also, could you stop sending your dog to spy on us? We know he’s a double agent. And please stop rearranging our lawn ornaments in the shape of ancient runes. We’re onto you!”

You start to wonder if you’ve stepped into an alternate universe where neighborly behavior is dictated by a blend of sitcom antics and pure absurdity. Are these the worst neighbors ever? Quite possibly.

But at least they give you something to laugh about at every block party.

So next time your neighbor’s rooster is serenading you at dawn, just remember: It could be worse.

You could have the gnome-borrowing, note-writing, lawn-parking champions next door!

Here are funny images of bad neighbors that will make you laugh!

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