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Research Reveals 7 Signs of A Nervous Breakdown You Should Never Ignore


Research Reveals 7 Signs of A Nervous Breakdown You Should Never Ignore

While ‘nervous breakdown’ isn’t actually recognized as a health problem, it is usually seen as a symptom of underlying mental health issues. They usually occur when a person is depressed, anxious or stressed.

They indicate that that person is close to their breaking point. They should never be ignored.

These are seven indicators that will tell you when someone is about to break down. Make sure to take note and learn to recognize these so that you can help somebody in need, or even more importantly, help your own self!

If you recognize some, or all, of these signs in yourself, try to take a break and slow down, and maybe ask for some help and somebody to talk to, be it a family member or a professional therapist.

1. Trouble maintaining focus

Being stressed for some time can actually make you more productive as it forces your brain to produce hormones that help you to remember things and concentrate better. But if this continues for a long time, it will have an adverse impact on your concentration levels. It can become so bad that the increased production of cortisol will make you more forgetful. Whenever you are feeling stressed, take some time out to relax yourself. Don’t overwork yourself and don’t push yourself closer to your breaking point. Everybody needs a break every once in a while – learn when it is time to take yours.

2. Heart issues

If you’re close to breaking down, you will be able to sense that your heartbeat is not regular. It will beat much harder than usual and you will have trouble breathing. You might also start sweating excessively. But when you go for a medical check-up, the tests will show you that there is nothing wrong with you physically. Breathe in and out deeply, stretch and try out other ways to relax yourself. This one is a major sign that you desperately need a break!

3. Indigestion

Frequent pains in the stomach and indigestion usually indicate that a person is anxious and stressed. If you’ve felt achy, constipated, gassy, bloated, and if you’ve been having stomach upsets often, you might have irritable bowel syndrome. This occurs when the body is subjected to prolonged periods of stress. The Anxiety and Depression Association of America has conducted studies that proved that a vast majority of those with IBS also have some mental health problems. Talk to a medical professional in order to deal with this.

4. Headaches

If you’re extremely stressed, you will suffer from frequent and painful headaches. When all the stress and anxiety gets bottled up, the entire body becomes tense. Look at how whether you maintain a proper posture or if you start slouching. Your body will start preparing for physical and mental attacks. These frequent headaches might also indicate that you have other medical problems that need to be addressed.

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5. Trouble sleeping

Not getting enough sleep can make you feel stressed out. Those who are depressed tend to sleep for long period and are unable to be productive when they are awake. Extreme stress can also cause insomnia. If you find yourself unable to sleep for quite some time after going to bed, if your sleep is fitful and you do not feel rested, you might be an insomniac.

6. Depression

When a person is depressed, their mood plummets and they shy away from any tasks that can influence their thinking, actions and emotions. This can be one of the factors behind their break downs. Disinterest in day to day activities, a feeling of pointlessness, thinking about suicide, etc. are all signs that a person is depressed and they must be given medical help as soon as possible. Never be ashamed or afraid to ask for help!

7. Anxiety

A person suffering from anxiety will be unable to think about the future without being overwhelmed by fear. They have to deal with extreme stress at all times and they are usually unable to sleep because their brain is constantly overthinking. Some people become anxious in certain circumstances whereas for others it is general. Anxiety can be solved with medicine in extreme situations. Other therapies like meditation, yoga, and hypnosis can be used to help relax the mind.

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