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Mom Thought 3-Year-Old Son Scratched On A Branch, But What It Turned Out To Be Terrified Her To The Core

Off The Record

Mom Thought 3-Year-Old Son Scratched On A Branch, But What It Turned Out To Be Terrified Her To The Core

If you’re like me, I can hardy wait for summer to spend more time outdoors and play with my kid carelessly. But if you’re like my wife, she gets extra careful outdoor when it comes to animals, insects and environment, and after this story today, I am really glad she is!

Elisabeth Nordgarden, a mother of a young boy urges everyone to stay vigilant.

Elisabeth’s 3-year-old son Kristoffer was playing outside in the backyard enjoying his time exploring around. But he suddenly came to her crying. Young ones always cry, and it’s almost never an alarming sign.

Elisabeth thought it’s one of those cranky tears and nothing to be worried about.

Speaking to Norwegian outlet NRK, the mom, from Norway, said: “Me and the boys were visiting my grandparents.

“Then Kristoffer began to cry a little and climbed onto my lap. We thought he had been stung by a wasp or scratched himself on a branch.”

In about 15 minutes, Kristoffer’s foot began to swell and turn blue. It was visible that he encountered something, and it wasn’t a wasp…

Elisabeth explained: “The ambulance and helicopter arrived quickly. They kept saying it was a viper snake bite and we were transported to a hospital.”

When they arrived at the hospital, Kristoffer was immediately given anti-venom and began to show signs of recovery, which suddenly took a U turn.

The poor boy had internal bleeding in his intestine from the bite. Children are more susceptible to viper snake bites, and Kristoffer reacted badly.

The situation was extremely serious at that point. Elisabeth prayed that doctors will do everything they can to save the little boy and stabalize his situation.

Fortunately, they did a great job and the boy started to recover. After spending more than 10 days in the hospital, Kristoffer was sent home to recover fully.

“I have much more respect for vipers now and I will ensure that my kids are wear boots when they go out in areas with high grass in the future,” Elisabeth said.

There’s a valuable lesson for all of us here and that is to stay vigilant as much as possible when it comes to dangers that may hurt our loved ones.

Please SHARE this article to remind people that we should stay extra cautious when it comes to deadly predators!

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