Men Are Subconsciously Looking For These 8 Things In a Woman
“Mysteries of attraction could not always be explained through logic. Sometimes the fractures in two separate souls became the very hinges that held them together.” ― Lisa Kleypas
Everyone has their preferences when it comes to choosing their partners and it is not always based on logic.
Who we are is as much a product of our social ethos and upbringing as our choices. Our subconscious often guides us to take a particular step.
Men like certain traits in a woman and is bound to fall for them no matter what. It is not that they dream of a real-life Barbie doll; here is what they look for:
1. Hips
According to the Journal Personality and Social Psychology, men still have primitive instincts that make them like certain features in a woman. No, it is not the zero figure that attracts them but a low waist-to-hip ratio. Didn’t see that one coming, did you? This instinct is driven by the fact that women who have a favorable waist-to-hip ratio will be better suited for childbearing. Next time you diet your way to malnutrition, keep this in mind and stay healthy.
2. Symmetry
Men find symmetry irresistible. They look for that perfect balance in a woman’s body and specifically her face. It is a sure sign of enthralling beauty and possibly mirrors good genes.
3. Long Hair
A survey in 2004, conducted by the Journal Human Nature, reaffirms the popular belief that long hair is deemed to be more attractive by men. The hair color does not matter as opposed to the notion that blonde is the best. Also, short hair makes men feel a little intimidated.
4. Paint It Red
Now we know what it is about red lips that make it a timeless classic. All humans are attracted to the color as it represents rage, passion, love and seduction. So wear red to stand out.
Must read: 9 Things Women Do, But Have No Idea That Men Find Unattractive
5. Smell Accompanies Sight
All those perfume advertisements do not have a sensual twist for nothing! Smell can attract or repel a person real quickly. A woman’s cycle influences pheromones which determines how she smells. This natural smell of a woman attracts men.
6. Enchanting Eyes
“The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.”– Audrey Hepburn
Eyes are the interpreter of a woman’s soul. Men love big, lustrous eyes and the color again does not matter. This is often seen as a sign of good health and blooming youth.
7. Sweet Sounding Voice
Men also find higher tone voice in women attractive, according to Smithsonian Magazine. It is the perfect blend of authority and sweetness.
8. Lips Tell The Tale
Women with fuller lips are deemed to be more attractive by the average man. A Manchester University study reveals that men notice women’s lips when they are talking. The color of the lips plays a huge role too.
These are features that attract men, but what builds a lasting relationship is mutual understanding and trust. A woman’s wit and intelligence is equally attractive, if not more, than just her looks. Always remember attraction and repulsion are two sides of the same coin, but love is lasting.
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