Off The Record
Here’s Why You Should Never Throw Avocado Seeds Again
As much as we love our pico de galo and spicy guacamole, we always have a step motherly attitude towards the seed of avocado which is packed with so many nutrients. The seed is a storehouse of so many anti-oxidants, even more than your matcha green tea, which can detoxify not only from the inside, but from the outside as well.
1. Pros of the seed
The seed itself contains around 70% of its total anti-oxidant content. The most beneficial use of it is as a fat burner, as Mother Nature surely has packed the seed with slimming and fat burning properties. Good news for the fitness freaks out there, you can actually make an infusion or just put the ground seeds into your regular protein shake and drink it whenever you wish, all day long, without making it a part of your regular diet.
For those who are just starting to take on a healthier alternative, you can mix it in a bit of honey vinaigrette dressing over your cold salad. The seeds are also a great source of soluble fiber that acts as roughage thus improving intestinal tracts and promoting a better bowel movement. It also serves as an astringent and can work wonders as a muscle relaxer and a pain killer. It can soothe the bone discomforts and paining joints naturally, helping you to rely less on allopathic drugs and subsequently cut on the side effects.
It helps in curing cold and flu and pharyngitis and strengthens your immune system. Avocados in general contain flavanols which play a pivotal role in preventing swellings inside the body, typically tumors and other malignant swellings within the gastro-intestinal tract and can also cure acute cases of diarrhea due to its tannin content.
The seeds are also known to regulate thyroid disorders as well as being a natural remedy for treating asthma and other breathing problems. It is also known to have positive properties in battling epilepsy too.
And if I must say, another bedroom secret is that it’s not only strawberries and dark chocolate that have aphrodisiac properties. Though it is a less sensual alternative, but intake of avocado seeds can boost libido. Time to crank up the heat.
2. External usage
One can also use avocado for home remedies as it has lots of anti-aging properties and can soothe inflamed skin as well. It has rejuvenating effects, if eaten or applied, as it boosts collagen formation which is a natural botox for our skins. Who knew the secret to eternal youth was inside a discarded food item?
If applied externally, it leaves the skin soft, supple and radiant and over prolonged usage, reduces visible lines, dark spots and blemishes.
Here’s a tip: mix avocado seed with a tablespoon of honey, apply it to your face for 15 minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water. Your skin would definitely glow!
It is also a great hair mask to tame down those frizzy curls and fight dandruff. Mix the dried seed with equal parts of castor, canola and olive oil. Rub this infusion in your scalp generously, leave it overnight and wash it off the next day. Repeated usage will make your hair healthy and bouncy again.
The granular property of the seeds acts as a great exfoliator for your body and helps in toning down and evening out your skin tone.
Must read: Here’s How To Detox Your Body So That You Can Prevent Getting Sick And Tired
3. How to use avocado seed?
The use is very simple. Just cut the avocado in half, remove the seed, put it in a zip-lock bag and pound your way out with a hammer. But first, remove the outer brown covering, in case you want to consume it, as that excess skin is bitter in taste and might make consumption of it unsavory. Then put those smashed little pieces into the grinder and grind it till it becomes powder. You can store it inside the refrigerator, in an airtight container, as it will keep it fresh for a longer period of time.
So next time you feel like throwing the seed away, remember all the good things that can be derived from this seemingly insignificant and mostly wasted food item.
Do not underestimate the power of an avocado seed!
Here’s how you can grow your own avocado at home by Tips & Tricks:
You've Been Throwing Away The Best Part Of Avocados
The next big thing in avocado toast? The avocado seed. 🥑 More here:
Posted by Seeker on Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Image source: Jaanus Silla/Flickr