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Good Looks Are Important, But A Man Can Never Truly Love You Unless You Have These 6 Things


Good Looks Are Important, But A Man Can Never Truly Love You Unless You Have These 6 Things

Good looks are important. Men are visual beings. They get turned on by good looks. Especially at this age of Instagram models and the media-controlled world, good looks are thriving and men are being battered from here and there with aesthetic pleasure.

But working on your looks and appearing pretty will only land a man – it won’t make him last. Maintaining a relationship is a whole new ball game.

If you really want to maintain a relationship, you have to bring in a lot more on the table than good looks. Looks fade away, but if you can bring these qualities with you – you can be sure that your man is going to stay:

1. Being kind and considerate

Kindness can be one of the top priorities in a relationship. Men need love too, men want to know that they are lovable. While they may show a strong exterior, inside, every man has a heart – they are not made of stone. That’s why we love them and they love us. Being kind would make him feel valuable. A bit of consideration, an acknowledgement of what he does for you can go a long way. It can make him appreciate you better and he will know that you love him exactly the way he wants to be loved. And that matters a lot more than just good looks.

2. You can make him laugh

Looks will fade but, if there’s something that’s going to remain, it is your personality. And what better personality can there be than the ability to make someone laugh. Life is not as serious as you think. When you grow older and wiser, you will care less about people and it will just amp up your sense of humor. That’s just the thing we need for any good relationship. Relationships are made up of those silly and funny moments – no wonder every man wants a girl who can make them laugh. After all, women are such bundles of joy and bring so much happiness to them.

3. Know yourself and be confident about it

Always strive to be the a better version of yourself. You are no less than a man as individuals. Be ready to accept that power. But with great power comes great responsibility. Take a stand, be an individual who can speak up, is driven and knows that she is important. These are some attractive qualities in any relationship. It challenges your partner and brings in a dynamic into the relationship.

4. Work toward your dreams

Men do not want a woman who would cling to them all the time. They do not want to be your entire world. Rather you should have your own dreams and passion and work hard towards it. Men always prefer a dreamer, a person who knows what she’s going to do in life and work towards it. An ambitious woman always takes up their heart, as they know that they are resilient and can keep their heads up even when the times are tough. Passionate women are fire and men want them to light up their lives. They know that if they can be partners with passionate women, they will be able to work towards their dream as well. Both their passion will empower each other to achieve greatness in their lives.

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5. Being responsible for your actions and mature

Relationships work on maturity. No one wants to be with someone who’s immature and doesn’t know what to do. Immature people are often entitled, don’t know how to work together and they are incapable of learning and understanding. A mature person knows how things work – they are capable of listening, understanding and growing together. A mature person knows when they should take responsibility for their mistakes. Relationships last based on the maturity of the people in it. Never stop learning, never cease growing – it’s going to help you now or in the future when you are with your dream man.

6. You are good at communication

Communication is the key to every relationship. But being a great conversationalist is not an easy task. It has been often repeated that ‘Communication is the key’ because of this reason. Lack of it has ruined relationships. Be open with your partner and allow him to be open with you. It does not always have to be a dark secret. Just talk about anything but learn how to keep a conversation going. Don’t let it fizzle out – every man loves a good conversation with his woman.

Good looks can only get you in a relationship. These traits will make it concrete. Your man will be enchanted by you, and the best thing about it – you will be in a constantly growing and deepening the relationship with your dream partner. That’s what anybody wants from a relationship, after all.

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