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Here’s Why You Don’t See Dean Cain Taking A Major Roles In Hollywood Anymore, And It’s Heartbreaking

Off The Record

Here’s Why You Don’t See Dean Cain Taking A Major Roles In Hollywood Anymore, And It’s Heartbreaking

Having a father around while growing up is necessary to feel secure. It’s been said that the father is the first hero of the child.

A familiar face Dean Cain was well-known in Hollywood, but the actor quit it all to raise his son. He wanted to be there all the way!

The actor is best know for his role in the 1993 “Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman,” after which led him to wide range of major leading roles.

He always wanted to be a football player, but a knee injury broke that wish and he turned to acting.

Cain was born Dean George Tanaka on July 31, 1966, in Michigan. His biological parents are Sharon Tanaka and Roger Tanaka but the story of who raised little Cain is intriguing.

His biological father abandoned him and his mother after two years of marriage. His mother moved on and remarried Christopher Cain, who adopted Cain and his brother.

Dean legally changed his last name to Cain. About his biological father he said, “My biological father is Japanese. I never knew him, never met him.” It shows that they didn’t spend any time together as father and son.

Even though Cain’s life could easily turn up like his father’s, he defied the odds and did everything he could to avoid ending up exactly alike.

Cain was well-known for being a lady’s man and did not want to get tied down in a traditional family. But he became a father in June 2000, when his ex-girlfriend, Samantha Torres (a former Playboy Playmate) gave birth to their son.

In honor of his adoptive father, he named his son Christopher. He was incredibly happy at finally becoming a father, but the relationship with his son took a U turn which lead the couple to fight for custody of their child.

After tough battle, in 2011, his efforts paid off as he was awarded sole custody of his son.

Cain is really dedicated father. He said “I cook every meal for my child. If I don’t cook, he doesn’t eat. I cook a very mean steak. I’m also very good at taking the nine leftovers I have and turning it into something.”

He made sure that he was always there for his son, but all the dedication comes with a price. Being a full time parents doesn’t really pair with being a full time writer, producer, director, talk show host, and political analyst, but he did everything he could to make ends meet.

Fans were confused about why the actor is turning down amazing roles, but he made it clear that family is his first priority and commitment. It wasn’t until his son turned 18 when Cain took on leading roles again.

He also attends his son football games or jiujitsu tournaments. In an interview, the actor once said, “I’m there. I’m a very present father, and I would never do it otherwise. I’m blessed to be able to have the ability to do so many different things and yet still be a father first.”

Cain’s priority to keep his son safe and make sure he was raised as a healthy individual paid off. He is now very close with his son, who poses with his father regularly on Instagram.

They frequently take trips together and enjoy their company.

Christopher Cain also has two half-siblings from his mother. Elijah and Isabelle are twins who spend a lot of time playing with their big brother and often drop by the Cain household. Cain said, “I’d do anything for those two. It can be defined as a broken home, but if you hang out at our house, that’s the last thing you’ll think.” 

It clearly shows that Cain’s Superman wasn’t just a role, but a character in person too!

“My best day would be just to wake up, and me and my son have a great day at home,” he says.

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