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Chuck Norris Reveals Secrets About His Mom He Never Told Anybody: ‘I Nearly Lost My Soul To Hollywood’

Off The Record

Chuck Norris Reveals Secrets About His Mom He Never Told Anybody: ‘I Nearly Lost My Soul To Hollywood’

They say behind every man there is a great woman, but Chuck Norris is extra lucky to have two women to support him through thick and thin: his wife and his mom.

The 82-year-old actor and martial arts expert married to former model Gena O’Kelley often expresses gratitude on social media for having her in his life.

Two years ago the couple celebrated 22 years of marriage (now 24). He wrote a beautiful message on Instagram to show love and appreciation to his wife.

“22 years ago I became the luckiest man in the world when Gena and I got married,” he wrote. “Happy Anniversary my beautiful wife! There are no words to describe my love and appreciation for you. Thank you for sharing your life with me. I praise God for every day we are together.”

However, Chuck Norris, the father of five, is extra lucky to have two women to support him at all cost: his mother Wilma Norris Knight, who is currently 101 years old.

He penned beautiful message dedicated to his mother: “Happy Birthday Mom! 101 years young! wow! There are no words to describe how much I love and appreciate you. Thank you for everything you have done for us over the many years God has blessed us together.”

Chuck often describes the tough life his mother had, but throughout it all she kept her faith and made sure her sons were raised on the right path.

Grandfather of 13, Chuck said his mother was diagnosed with a rare disease when she was just 8 years old, and was away from her family, confined in a children’s hospital for two hard years.

She was raised in extreme poverty. Instead of enjoying the perks of being a child, after she left the hospital she had to help take care of her family during the Great Depression. She was picking cotton and helping any way she could with her limited capability.

“When done picking one field, they’d often move to another town to pick another field. There was nothing easy about life in the Dust Bowl, especially during the decade of the Great Depression,” Chuck told WorldNetDaily.

She met Chuck’s father when she was just 16, but he abandoned her, including 3 boys under her wing.

“Mom has been an example of perseverance and faith her whole life,” Chuck told Christian Post.

“She’s also endured the deaths of her two husbands, a stepson, two grandchildren, and my younger brother Wieland in the Vietnam War. She’s had cancer repeatedly and has gone through roughly 30 different surgeries for a host of issues – and yet she’s still here to tell about it.”

To get through difficult times, Chuck always accompanied himself with a prayer, but he also gives a huge credit to his 101-year-old mother.

“My mother has prayed for me all my life, through thick and thin.

“When I was born, I almost died from complications. When nearly losing my soul to Hollywood a few decades ago, she was back home praying for my success and salvation. She even prayed for me to find a woman to change my life, and it worked.”

Chuck also said: “I equally celebrate my wife, Gena, during this Mother’s Day week. Gena helps me run all my enterprises and is CEO of our new artesian bottled water company, CFORCE. But most of all she is the mother of our twins, the love of my life, and my best friend.

“I am overwhelmed with gratitude to God for these two incredible women’s influence in my life.”

Gena and Chuck Norris have two children together, Dakota and Danielle.

About a decade ago, their whole lives turned upside-down…

Chuck Norris Gave up his film career to take care of ill wife

Since then, Gena’s health has been going downwards. As per reports, in 2013, she received an injection. According to Gena herself, something felt wrong almost instantly.

“Within hours after the first jab, I felt like my whole body was on fire — as if acid had been passed through it. The burning was isolated at first, but it just kept spreading… I just lay in bed on an IV for five months and had to have round-the-clock nursing care. Chuck slept beside me on the couch and never left. I prayed that I would live to raise my children,” she explained.

Since that moment, Gena suffers from kidney problems and nerve pain. They believe she was somehow poisoned by chemical injected into her multiple times during MRI.


Gena needed care since then and Chuck has always been there for her. He gave up everything to take care of his wife full-time. They have spend around $2 million on treatments for Gena alone.

“I’ve given up my film career to concentrate on Gena, my whole life right now is about keeping her alive,” Chuck said“I believe this issue is so important.”

“It’s infuriating and heartbreaking,” Gena added. “It’s a vicious, ugly secret that has been kept hidden — something Chuck and I are determined to change.”

Along with the support of his wife and centenarian mother, Chuck Norris sure sounds like a fantastic husband and father.

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