Off The Record
A Feel Good Flash Mob At Antwerp’s Central Station Will Make Your Day
This Flash mob at Antwerp’s Central Station made the day of the commuters!
Flash mobs are really fun. They are not only fun to be a part of but likewise entertaining to be a part of. If you have ever had either of the experiences – being a part of the mob or seen it perform somewhere, you would know about it. And if you hadn’t had either of the experiences, this video might give you an idea!
This flash mob came forth during the morning rush hour at the Central Station Antwerp, Belgium to draw attention to the opening week of Grease, the Musical! This happened on 29th February 2016 for the Musical on 4th of March, 2016. The flash mob consisted of more than 250 people who pulled off this “feelgood” stunt.
Such mobs are quite regular across the US and most European countries. Hence, there are very high chances you would have come across one. Participants have always admitted to having a lot of fun while performing and those who merely watch, it is quite a treat for them as well!
Imagine walking down the station and the man in front of you starts dancing and then the lady on your far right joins him…. Gradually you notice a couple of people around you waving their hands in the air and shaking the groove. Don’t you feel a bit curious as to what is happening? And then it clicks: ah, a flash mob! You might as well try joining the party but even flash mobs require prior practice so even though you might be having a lot of fun, you probably wouldn’t match the steps.
Anyways, one should be a part of the flash mob at least once in their life! It is entirely something to be a part of something so spontaneous. Watch the video and you will get a clearer idea!
Flashmob Grease – Central Station Antwerp
Flashmob Grease – Central Station Antwerp
Posted by DOCA Videos on Monday, July 2, 2018