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Karma Struck My SIL On Christmas When She Threw Away Our Mother’s Ashes Without Telling Us


Karma Struck My SIL On Christmas When She Threw Away Our Mother’s Ashes Without Telling Us

This year, everyone was supposed to join me for Christmas dinner, but a few days prior, my brother and his spouse unexpectedly arrived and asked to remain. I didn’t give their surprise visit much thought until my sister-in-law’s outrageous antics made me feel uncomfortable!

My brother Ryan and his wife Lindsey showed up at our front door a week before Christmas, looking stressed and bundled up. Their house had become uninhabitable due to the cold snap and the malfunctioning heating system. Unaware of the catastrophe that awaited our generosity, my husband Nathan and I welcomed them in spite of my misgivings.

Ryan replied, “Thanks for letting us crash here,” as they placed their bags in the corridor. “We might be here over the holidays because, for the life of us, we can’t find an electrician during this time to assist us, but we’ll keep trying.”

Source: Midjourney

Nathan said, “It’s no problem,” as the ever-gentle host. “Make yourselves comfortable.”

It was all right at first. However, I was beginning to become tired of my sister-in-law’s (SIL) antics by the third day.

She had complete access to the shower in the guest bedroom, but she monopolized our master bathroom, leaving wet towels and toiletries all over the place. Even worse, without her asking to borrow them, I discovered that some of my sweaters and other clothing had inexplicably moved into her suitcase!

I couldn’t help but feel annoyed, but I didn’t want to make a scene. But that was nothing compared to what I found out early on Christmas Eve!

Source: Midjourney

I observed something strange while we were all gathered for breakfast. The living room mantel, which had been adorned with stockings and garlands, appeared to be empty. A beat skipped in my chest.

“Has anyone seen Mom?” My voice trembled a little as I asked. My mother’s ashes were in a black marble vase that we had put there in remembrance of her desire to “spend” Christmas with us.

After a brief fight with cancer, Mom passed away, and this was meant to be our first Christmas without her. She had made my brother and I swear on her deathbed to preserve her ashes in the same room where we celebrated Christmas so she could “be with us one more time.”

My brother and I planned to spread her ashes in her favorite spot, the local river where she and our late father had gone on their first date, after this holiday. Now, though, she was simply… gone.

Lindsey shrugged casually as she looked up from her dish. “Her ashes, you mean? In the backyard, I tossed them out. Every time I saw that vase, I felt absolutely terrified.”

Source: Midjourney

There was silence in the room. Her words seemed to sink in, and time seemed to stop.

“You did what?!” At last, my voice rose as I choked out.

She reiterated, “I threw them out,” as though referring to a piece of garbage. “Calm down; it’s only ashes. What’s causing all of your drama?”

I felt a surge of anger and instinctively jumped out of my chair, prepared to attack her. Ryan and Nathan leaped between us, preventing me from moving forward!

“You had no right!” With tears running down my cheeks, I screamed. “Mom had one wish, and you—how could you?!”

Lindsey rolled her eyes. She shot back, “It’s not like she’s going to know!”

Her lack of interest was a devastating blow! I hurried to the backyard, trembling with anger, hoping it wouldn’t be too late.

Source: Midjourney

There wasn’t much left to save, so I spent the next hour going through the grass and the vase in the garbage can. The memories of my mother were gone, along with her ashes!

I lay up that night, fuming! Ryan’s beseeching glance at dinner prevented me from kicking Lindsey out at that very moment.

He had muttered, “Just wait until after Christmas,” once. “Please, we have nowhere to go at such short notice.”

I grudgingly accepted, but I wasn’t sure how I would survive the next 24 hours without blowing up!

At midnight, the silence was broken by a terrifying scream! After exchanging startled glances, Nathan and I sprang to our feet and hurried upstairs. The rotten, nauseating stink that made my stomach spin hit us before we even got to the door to Lindsey and Ryan’s room.

Source: Midjourney

My spouse covered his nose and whispered, “What in the world?” When we rushed into the room, Lindsey was standing on the bed, screaming violently and gripping her hair!

A foul-smelling muck was leaking from the en-suite bathroom, and the carpet, Lindsey’s clothes, and some of mine were all saturated with murky water!

“Oh my God!” My SIL let out a scream. “It is there everywhere! Take action!”

Even though Nathan made an effort to maintain a straight expression, I could see the corners of his mouth moving. “Wow,” he exclaimed. “Looks like the toilet backed up.”

“Why is it only this room?” I couldn’t help but smirk as I added. “The guest bathroom’s fine and ours is working perfectly!” I spoke with a little too much joy.

My husband’s joke, “Must be some kind of Christmas miracle,” caused my brother’s furious wife to scowl at him!

My brother was squatting at the bathroom door, frantically using a towel to clean up the mess. “Honey, maybe we should—”

“Don’t you dare ‘honey’ me!” Lindsey became agitated. “Do something useful for once!”

The opportunity to manipulate the knife was irresistible. “Maybe this is karma,” I remarked as I leaned on the door frame. “For what you did to Mom, you know. She did have a wicked sense of humor, so this had to be her way of getting even.”

Source: Midjourney

Lindsey gave me a lethal glance! “This is your home! Your plumbing system!” “Fix it!”

I opened my mouth to respond, but Nathan interrupted. “We’ll make a call to a plumber first thing in the morning,” he stated. “In the meantime, maybe you two should sleep in the guest room after cleaning up what you can.”

“Do you think I was right that the incident was a sign from Mom?” As Lindsey sobbed and cried, attempting to save all she could, I murmured to my husband. “If it wasn’t, it sure feels like one.”

Ryan carefully led my SIL out of the room, even though she looked like she was going to blow up.

I overheard Lindsey whispering to herself that it wasn’t her fault as they went by me. I had a weird sort of satisfaction as I rolled my eyes and went back to bed.

Source: Midjourney

When my SIL chose to use the toilet that night, it backed up. My brother was the first to wake up the following morning and told Nathan and me about it. He was sound asleep when she yelled, but he woke up and slipped on the ooze as she walked back to leap onto the bed.

The idea of Lindsey slipping in that foul sludge made us laugh uncontrollably, and my brother even joined in!

Unfortunately, Lindsey’s misfortune persisted on Christmas Day. We had to spend the holiday with the slight stink of sewage hanging in the air because the plumber we hired couldn’t arrive until the day after Christmas.

My SIL was abnormally quiet when we sat down to Christmas dinner with the rest of the family, which included uncles, aunts, cousins, and more. As the rest of us laughed and told stories, she picked at her food.

Eventually, Ryan drew me away. An uneasy “Thanks for not kicking us out,” he remarked. “I know Lindsey can be… difficult.”

Source: Midjourney

“Difficult?” I arched an eyebrow. “Ryan, she threw away Mom’s ashes!” I gave a hiss.

He groaned and combed his hair. “I know,” he said. “Trust me, I had no idea she would do that. I’m so sorry.

I briefly pondered telling him to get out of here since I was furious again, but then I turned to face Lindsey. Her face was pale and her eyes darted around anxiously, as though she was waiting for another catastrophe to happen, while she sat rigidly at the table.

I said, “Maybe this is punishment enough,” at last. With a look of relief on his face, Ryan nodded.

Despite my SIL’s aversion to me, the rest of the evening proceeded smoothly. The rest of the family immediately sided with me when she attempted to vent to them about her experience!

Source: Midjourney

“You threw away their mother’s ashes?” My aunt let out a gasp. “What were you thinking?!”

My SIL was completely humiliated by the end of the evening, and I couldn’t help but feel that poetic justice had been served.

He smiled mischievously at me as we cleaned up after everyone had gone. “You think Mom was with us today even though Lindsey spilled her out?”

I shook my head and laughed. “If she was, it sure feels like it and I really hope so!”

Source: Midjourney

Nathan wrapped his arm around me and planted a kiss on my crown. “Well, either way, Lindsey got what she deserved.”

I nodded as if a burden had been lifted. Even though Mom wasn’t present as we had hoped, I felt her presence more powerfully than ever at that precise time.

Sadly, Lindsey isn’t the only awful SIL. In the incident that follows, a married man is accused of cheating on his SIL, and her family turns against him. Together, they confront his SIL and ultimately exact retribution once he has shown his wife the truth!

Source: Midjourney

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