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Woman Visits BFF Who Just Adopted Baby, Identifies Baby as Her Own Biological Son

Off The Record

Woman Visits BFF Who Just Adopted Baby, Identifies Baby as Her Own Biological Son

As Tina discovers that Megan’s adopted boy has the exact same birthmark as her own son, who passed away, everything in her life falls apart. While Tina tries to make sense of this unbelievable coincidence, she discovers a terrifying reality.

Tina found it difficult to be happy for Megan, her best friend, as she proudly displayed Shawn, her adoptive son. She managed to remark, “He’s perfect, Meg,” despite the fact that she was still processing the loss of her own son and had recently gone through divorce.

Nevertheless, Megan was beaming with joy as she introduced Shawn to her closest friend, highlighting his adorable characteristics. But Tina was taken aback when she felt an unanticipated familiarity and affection when she handled the infant.

She noticed something. The newborn had a unique birthmark that resembled her late son’s birthmark identically. Tina began crying uncontrollably while holding the infant in her arms.

Megan ran to give her comfort. She patted Tina’s shoulder and asked,“Tina, are you okay?”

Source: Midjourney

“No,” Tina muttered in response.

In an attempt to comfort her, her companion acknowledged that they needed to have given Tina more time to get to know Shawn. However, Tina was flitting her mind with new ideas and was not really listening.

Is Shawn, her Liam, really real?

Tina remarked, “I need some air,” as if she had to get away right away. She gave Shawn his back and walked out of her friend’s house, realizing that her ideas were absurd. The hospital had pronounced her baby dead. Something had to be wrong here.

At home, Tina opened a baby book containing pictures of Liam and confronted her grief head-on. The picture’s exact match to her birthmark and the terrible consequences increased Shawn’s suspicions. She was unable to remain motionless, so should she wait?

Resolved, Tina got in touch with Detective Harris, a private investigator, to see if Shawn might be her biological son.

Source: Midjourney

“I need to know if my son is still alive,” she said, gripping her phone too firmly. “I think my friend’s adopted son might be my own.”

After describing how strikingly identical the birthmarks were, Harris decided to take the case.

“But there’s one thing,” Tina said, taking a deep breath. “Megan cannot be aware of this. Not quite yet. Not until we are positive. I… Detective Harris, I understand how absurd this all sounds, but I must know.”

“Ms. Collins, discretion is part of the job,” he reassured her.

The café was full of people, but Tina’s attention was fixed on the door. In an attempt to find out more about Megan’s adoption journey, she had extended an invitation to her. Tina wasn’t concerned that her pal was running late.

Megan took a seat and snatched Tina’s hands right away. “I apologize profusely for always bugging you to see Shawn. Are you able to pardon me?” She enquired.

Tina answered, “Of course,” concealing her genuine emotions behind a half-smile. “I apologize for my reaction. I ought to be pleased for you. Describe the adoption to me.”

“Tina, I’m not sure.” Avoiding eye contact, Megan continued, “I don’t want to upset you.”

Source: Midjourney

Tina continued. “I’ll try, because our friendship means a lot to me,” she stated, bending forward to display her excitement. With a small pout, Megan began to speak and briefly discussed the adoption.

“It takes a while.” Tina agreed as her buddy remarked, “There’s tons of paperwork, and most of the time, you’re just waiting to get that call.”

After a few minutes, Tina asked Megan directly how she located Shawn, as her friend had not provided any further details. “Through an agency… It was a private adoption,” she hesitantly answered.

Tina pushed for information about his past, but Megan maintained that it was private.

She frowned and asked, “Why are you asking all these questions?”

Tina confessed to Megan, “I think Shawn might be my son,” while displaying a picture of Liam that had Shawn’s birthmark.

Tina, it’s a birthmark. “Thousands of people possess them,” Megan countered, her tone becoming quieter. “I am aware that you have been through a lot. I apologize. You’re in mourning. I ought to have shown greater tact.”

“It isn’t just grief, Megan!” Tina lost her temper. “I knew the moment I held him. The birthmark attests to it. You also see it. Simply acknowledge it.”

Source: Midjourney

“This is crazy, Tina. My son is Shawn.” Megan stood up and shook her head, “I formally adopted him.”

Tina got up as well and grabbed her friend’s arm. “Look me in the eye and tell me you don’t see it’s exactly the same as Liam’s!”

“They are not the same!” With a snap, Megan pulled away. “You’re out of your mind!”

The disturbance prompted the café manager to step in. Megan called Tina insane and left the café crying, but Tina insisted on showing the manager the birthmark images.

Even yet, Tina was so sure of her assumption that she went ahead and tagged her ex-husband Mark in Shawn pictures she discovered on Megan’s social media before they were blocked.

It hurt too much for Mark, so he told her to stop. He wanted to move on from Tina and their history. Liam’s death had caused their marriage to end, and he was ready to move on.

Source: Midjourney

Megan refused to take her calls and other people told her to stop. Why did nobody support her?

Detective Harris finally called with a lead: a nurse named Hayley from the hospital where Tina gave birth helped to facilitate the adoption. Tina was shocked to learn this, remembering Hayley’s presence in the birth room.

“That witch stole my baby,” Tina said, abruptly ending the detective’s contact. She looked up the address of a lawyer right away because she had other things to do.

The attorney concluded Tina’s explanation of her thoughts that Shawn was her real son by describing the coincidences and her meeting with Megan. “It’s a complicated case,” the attorney remarked. The lawyer went on to discuss the challenges of private adoption and the requirement for DNA testing.

“Let’s carry it out. Wanting to leap out of her seat,” Tina said, “Let’s get the DNA test.” The attorney did, however, provide a warning regarding the challenges of getting consent for the test and the possibility of a drawn-out procedure.

Source: Midjourney

Tina was adamant about standing up for her son in spite of this since she thought that something dubious had actually occurred at the hospital.

As Tina left the attorney’s office, she thought about how difficult it would be to find out the truth about Shawn and made her way to her car. But she was unable to give up. Not now, not while there was a remote possibility Shawn might be her son.

“Nurse Hayley,” Tina slipped out. “She would know for certain.”

At the hospital reception, Tina insisted, “I need to speak to Nurse Hayley.” With furrowed brows, the receptionist entered something into her computer.

“I’m sorry, but Nurse Hayley no longer works here,” she replied. Tina begged the receptionist, but she was unable to help her further. She walked to her car, perhaps waiting for a sign, and then she left.

Her heart leaped when her phone rang.

Detective Harris yelled at Tina as soon as she answered the phone, “We’ve got a problem. a significant one.”

“What is it?”

Source: Midjourney

“Megan,” he said again, his voice trailing off. “She is advancing. Packing, emptying the bank, and making travel arrangements abroad. It appears like she is leaving quickly from here. Give your attorney a call. You won’t see that baby again until you stop her.”

Tina discovered she needed to arrive in the courthouse right away and ask for a specific order after phoning her attorney. She had work to do first, but she would soon join her. Tina, however, had not budgeted for the need to organize these events.

“Order for emergency custody?” “You must schedule a meeting,” said the clerk, Doris.

“I have no time for appointments. My son is being flown overseas. Taken hostage!” With her palm lying on the woman’s desk, Tina objected.

Doris looked at her calendar. “Next opening, two weeks.”

Tina was unable to accept that. Detective Harris’s message buzzed through her phone, saying, “Lost her trail.” headed for the airport.

With her heart racing at the thought of losing Shawn for good, Tina abandoned the cumbersome legal proceedings and hurried to the airport.

Tina made her way through the packed airport and asked security for assistance. “My son, he’s being taken… with that woman,” she said, almost crying.

Source: Midjourney

The cops were useless and perplexed. “Please, Ma’am, just settle down.” In an attempt to comfort her, one remarked, “We’ll work things out.”

Tina had no time to explain herself to them. She ducked under them and raced in Megan’s direction. She caught up to her and cried, “You can’t take him!” “I own him. I am aware of the nurse that was at the hospital and the private adoption.”

Scared, Megan looked up. “Tina, I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she murmured, her eyes filled with fear and anxiety.

“Megan, he’s my son. I’m aware of it. Furthermore, the birthmark” Tina let out a broken voice.

Megan wrapped Shawn firmly in her arms. Tina, he’s my son. “I’m raising him,” she answered, a little shaky in her voice.

Tina never took her eyes from Shawn’s face. “Megan, I adore him. I’ve loved him unconditionally.”

The searing remembrance of her loss was too harsh for her to utter out loud, so the words caught in her throat. However, Megan comprehended. Her expression twisted. Tears streamed down her cheeks, reflecting the downpour that was brewing inside Tina.

“All I wanted was for him to have a happy life.” At last, Megan blurted out, “I was so alone, and he had no one.”

With a sigh, Tina decided not to risk anything or injure her. She therefore had an idea. “Megan, he needs his mother. The two of us.”

With a hopeful face, Megan asked, “Shared custody?”

Although Tina nodded, it wasn’t sincere.

The DNA test confirmed that Shawn is Tina’s biological son. At Tina’s house, Megan hung her head while they read the results. She had her attorney with her, just in case.

“I was aware too,” admitted Megan.

“What do you mean?” Tina applied pressure.

“I was oblivious to my surroundings due to my fear of losing him,” Megan claimed. “His birthmark was visible. However, I persuaded myself that you were mistaken and that it was merely a coincidence.”

Tina muttered, “Meg.”

“I’m really sorry, Tina,” Megan cried. “I never meant to hurt you.”

Knowing better than anyone the kind of destruction that may occur, Tina gave her pal a hug. She knew that was a lie, even if at first she believed Megan had been a part of the ruse. The agency and the dishonest nurse had also deceived her buddy.

A thorough investigation was initiated. However, they were concerned about other matters. “Did you bring the shared custody papers?” When Tina was finally ready to formally sign their agreement at the airport, she requested the lawyer and broke off her hug with her companion.

It was a good thing Liam would have to grow up with two mothers because Mark had left the country. They would create something wonderful—a family redefined by love and resiliency—not just for Shawn but also for themselves.

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