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When They Saw What Mom Is Doing To Her Own Daughter, People Were Furious

Off The Record

When They Saw What Mom Is Doing To Her Own Daughter, People Were Furious

Every parent has their own philosophy and approach when it comes to nurturing their offspring.

It’s inevitable that parents will argue and squabble over something on the internet, and they probably will. You understand what I mean; these are issues about which almost every parent has strong feelings.

Now, the idea of “leashing” your child—tying a lead to a collar or their wrist to keep them from running away, getting hurt, or, god forbid, being taken by someone—has caused a lot of conflicts between parents in the past.

Some people think it’s just as bad as abusing a child.

Some people don’t see an issue with it as long as the kids are protected.

Well, the topic has resurfaced after a Los Banos, California, stay-at-home mother was criticized online after photos of her using a leash on her toddler during a trip to the supermarket went viral.

Alexis Solis, a former therapist who specialized in behavioral analysis, reportedly posted a video of herself and her daughter after a day of shopping.

More than 12 million people have watched it, and the comments section has erupted in heated dispute.

Solis, who is a mother of two daughters, claims that she utilizes her online profile to bring attention to the issue of child abuse and neglect.

Videotaped and posted to TikTok, she can be seen in one clip pleading with her daughter to extend a hand so that a leash can be attached.

“I’m tired of the world being this way, but I’m never tired of protecting my girls,” she wrote in the video’s caption.

“I’m okay looking like a crazy mom. As long as my babies are safe and thanks to everyone I freaking love this thing.”

After the video received nearly 13 million views, many viewers were ready to criticize Alexis and question her parenting skills.

“I hope they leash her when she’s 50,” reads one comment.

“I hate those,” someone else chimed in.

Alex elaborated in a subsequent video on how useful the leash is for kids who have a habit of wandering off.

“I used to work with children on the spectrum”, she told the Daily Mail. “I don’t share this about myself very often, but I was an ABA therapist.

“Something that’s common with children who have autism is that they tend to elope. If you’re not familiar with what elopement is, that’s when a child tends to wander off or run away from the parent or the environment.

“Now, this can be very traumatic for both the child and the parent. I know that if I had this device when I was working with families, this would have made life so much safer.”

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I was wondering what you thought of Alexis’ strategy. Do you think it’s best to keep the kid on a leash?

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