8 Signs That Prove You Are Dating A Girl And Not A Woman
Depending on what kind of relationship you want, you need to figure out one important thing: are you with a girl or a woman? This might seem strange but the question is very valid.
If you’re looking for something casual, then dating a girl is fine. However, you must look for a woman if you wish to settle down.
Girls appeal to guys more for their looks and flirty and easy attitude. But also, other men like mature and smart women. These signs show if you’re dating a girl or a woman:
1. Physical obsession
Girls like to flaunt and boast about their beauty and consider themselves to be the prettiest. However, a woman will be modest and humble, and won’t be foppish about her beauty.
2. Financial Dependence on Men
A girl depends on the man for all monetary stuff. You just need to keep on supplying money to make them happy. A woman is independent and can efficiently take care of all her needs and requirements.
3. Attention-seeking
A girl will always look around for attention from all men. However, a woman only needs love, attention and respect from the person she loves. A girl simply fishes around for compliments.
4. Body confidence
A woman nourishes her body and worships it to remain healthy and fit. But a girl only cares about superficial aspects like clothes and shoes but has no love and care for her body.
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5. Flippant decision-making
A girl hardly ever thinks carefully before accepting or rejecting men. A woman, however, considers everything thoughtfully and with precision before taking a decision. A girl doesn’t care much about her future or feelings and well-being.
6. Childish Attitude
A woman is always mature and dignified in her actions, no matter how unsavory the situation. She’ll always be careful and critical. A girl however will be whimsical, whiny and pathetic whenever faced with difficulties.
7. High maintenance
A girl thinks too highly of herself and expects to be treated like royalty. She has enormous demands and wants things to be handed to them on a silver platter whenever they ask for it. However, a woman is aware of where she stands and has realistic expectations from life.
8. Fails to decide
A girl can never make her decisions on her own and needs her family or others to decide things for her. However, a woman is smart and independent to take care of herself.
Must Read The Best Books about Love and Relationship:
- The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts
- The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work: A Practical Guide from the Country’s Foremost Relationship Expert
- Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus: The Classic Guide to Understanding the Opposite Sex