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7 Interesting Types of Guys That Women Really, Really Like To Be With


7 Interesting Types of Guys That Women Really, Really Like To Be With

Are there times when you sit down to think about whether you’re the kind of guy a woman can love and commit to?

There are different types of men and some catch women’s eyes more than most. If you’ve got an interesting personality and gentlemanly behavior, love might soon be in the cards for you.

Women are complex but that is just one aspect of the relationship. If you’re one of the lucky men with all the right characteristics, you can make a woman fall for you without a lot of trouble.

1. Care For Her

Don’t wait till something bad happens to show her that you care about her. You can prove your feelings by doing little things like asking her to text you when she gets home, reminding her to get something to eat, and just generally checking in on her. This will show that you have her back and that you generally think about her well being. While it is nice to show up on her doorstep with a brilliant bouquet of flowers, these little things also go a long way.

2. Be Truthful

Something that should go without saying, it is important to be truthful in all your relationships. If you lie to her, she will definitely find out that you did. Let her know that you’re spending an evening with your guy friends rather than making up something about having a lot to finish up at the office. She’ll trust you more if you just tell her the truth. If you tell a lie, she’ll know and you don’t want to ruin your relationship like that now, do you?

3. Persevere

Women really are more complex than you think. If she is saying ‘no’, she’s not really saying it. However, you shouldn’t assume that she’s saying ‘yes’. She might just be testing you to see if you care enough to work towards getting her to say ‘yes’ to you. Now is the time for you to persevere and stick it out to prove to her that you are worthy of that ‘yes’.

4. Stay Optimistic

Yea it can be difficult to stay positive when there’s a guy holding you up with a gun so he can rob you but, besides that, you need to look at issues with optimism. This will prove to her that you can think outside the box and actually solve problems when needed. It won’t help your case if she thinks you’re a negative person. Suspicion and doubt don’t do any good in a relationship.

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5. Be Funny

Women think guys who are funny are really, really cute! A person who can make everyone around him laugh can truly brighten up a room when he enters it. While you will need to be serious at times, there is nothing wrong with letting go, having fun and spreading joy. But you can’t use your sense of humor as a pretext to say insulting and offensive things. Don’t make jokes that are based on body shaming, at the expense of her family and friends, racism, sexism, and so on. Just because you’re funny, doesn’t mean that you can’t be nice at the same time.

6. Practice Spontaneity

No one can help but like a person who is exciting and always up for an adventure. This might sound difficult but you don’t really have to come up with grand gestures and new entertainment every day. While a grand gesture might go down nicely now and then, you need to focus on the little things. Send her a message when she’s not expecting it, get her a pretty trinket that she’ll like, take her out for dinner now and then. As long as you’re not wholly predictable, you’ll be able to hold her interest for sure.

7. Show Your Support

Encourage her when she needs it and be around in case she needs your help. Offering your support and telling her that she’s fully capable of achieving her goals will mean a lot to her. Even if it is not your cup of tea, show her that you appreciate her passions and that you’ve got her back. Help her work towards her goals and don’t let her carry all her burdens by herself.

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