5 Tips To Move On With Your Life Peacefully After A Toxic Relationship
You promised yourself to not let this happen, ever.
You finally believed you were building up the castle of a strong relationship with your partner – fully committed to each other.
And through the thin veil of the apparently idyllic relationship, it struck – the pain of eternal separation.
As you find yourself drowning in violent shots of whiskey, a bunch of nostalgic Coldplay tracks and disillusioning memories, you are certain that you’ll probably never move on. Not this time.
Speaking from personal experience, we can assure you that your mental state might be in a deplorable state right now but it is curable. We’re going to definitely help you out with useful tips for self-discovery in this article. Read on.
You need to have the fundamental concept clear: there’s no shortcut to spiritual rejuvenation. So, if you’re seeking a “faster” way to help restore your mental peace after a failed relationship, you need to be sceptical. People might suggest you to “go back into the dating game”, “come on cheer up you’ll date someone soon” etc. But you should have a vivid idea that in order to be genuinely happy again, nobody should force you to act in a certain manner. Instead, what you can do is to ask yourself to go through these two points below:
1. It is okay to feel absolutely devastated right now
There you go, someone said it. It’s very important not to fool yourself into believing the commonplace shallow quotations on your social media newsfeed asking you to do stupid things after a breakup. “Seeking revenge for a broken heart”, “Going back to beg for forgiveness”, “Getting into a rebound relationship immediately” – chances are that you have already heard these suggestions. But our advice – do not indulge yourself to be trapped in these toxic ideas. Instead, allow yourself to feel the pain. It’s a natural process. Simultaneously, ask yourself this:
2. How did the relationship affect your everyday life?
Analyze your relationship like a question paper for a while. That’s the only way to find out about the real imperfections in what appeared to be a flawless story of love.
Did you find yourself to be in a constant state of unconfined happiness?
Did the relationship, in any way, act as an obstacle between you and your dreams?
How were you like before you got committed with your ex-lover? Were you significantly happier?
Which trait of your lover made you lose your temper instantly?
Take this quiz honestly and rationally. You’ll soon realize how the breakup is not really as bad as you think it is for you right now.
Now comes the important part of the rehabilitation!
Now that you’ve pointed out the primary aspects of yourself before and after the relationship, here are some ways to bear fruit to your endless pursuit of happiness:
You will also like reading: 10 Psychological Tricks That Will Help You Deal With The Pain Of A Breakup
1. Find what makes you happy
Find out a hobby you thought you’d work upon. Learn it with passion. Joining a gym to enhance your physique is also a good step as it releases Dopamine in your brain – “the happiness hormone”. If you’re passionate about writing, you might start writing a personal diary, filling it with how you would like to be in the next 10 years. Whatever attracts your passion, pursue it!
2. Love yourself
It’s very easy to stop giving time to yourself once you are committed to your lover. Amidst the busy schedule sacrificing time for your workplace, your family life and your love life, you gradually forget to give time to yourself. Never forget: Nobody completes you. You are a responsible, unique identity meant to be happy. So, spend more time working on self-development!
3. Dare to try something new
Never allow yourself to be confined by a cage of known circumstances and an easy life. Step out of it and do something you haven’t done before – but nothing too extreme! If it makes you nervous, you’re doing the right thing!
In conclusion, believe in yourself and let time do its wonders. And when in doubt, always remember the famous song’s verse: “…All you need is just a little patience.”