11 Signs A Guardian Angel Is Protecting And Watching Over You
Have you ever had a moment when you felt safe, calm, or like peace was quickly surrounding you? If so, your guardian angel may have just helped you.
Each person is born with a guardian angel that helps them in all parts of their life. If you are religious, you might think that your guardian angel is God’s way of telling you he loves you.
Some people think of it as an angel spirit that comes to earth to help people when they need it the most.
An angel is a godlike being that watches over us, heals us, and leads us as we go through life. Their goal is to make us happy and peaceful, but they are also here to help us fulfill our reason for being here.
They give us encouraging and wise words that help us get through hard times in our own lives and the lives of people we care about a lot. They also let us know about trouble and danger so we can stay safe. People often have experiences with angels in the following ways:
1. Finding a Coin

Have you ever heard of someone finding a penny right when they needed it? They might not have just been telling you a story after all. They let us know they are there and want to help us by giving us cash.
You may have found a message in the coin that your protection is with you to protect you and help you through a tough time in your life.
This is what each coin means:
When you find a penny, it could mean that your guardian angel is nearby to help you. They will often leave a penny behind when you need a little extra luck.
Find a nickel. If you find one facing up, it means that your guardian angel is watching over you and everything will be okay.
Dimes: Angels will guard you and help you if you see a dime.
In the shape of a quarter, angels show that they are watching over us and are on our side. This is a sign of luck and wealth.
2. Pets and kids

People say that these aliens want us to pay attention and let them know that we see them and hear what they have to say. Babies are often thought to be angels’ messengers because they are so pure and innocent.
You might see your baby smiling and looking at something that does not seem to be there. You might also see your dog or cat following something unseen around the room with their eyes.
People believe that if a baby or animal shows any of these signs, it means that a guardian angel is with you and guides you.
You may have also been at someone is front door without meaning to and seen a baby or pet there. If this happened for no reason, it might have been a sign from an angel.
3. Flashes of light

Have there ever been times when you thought a bright light was shining in your eyes? Have you ever felt lost, surprised, or even scared?
This could mean that your guardian angel is there and wants you to help them. It is possible that they want you to pay attention and not ignore what is going on.
All of these things could be signs that your guardian angels are trying to let you know they are there, but seeing white lights could also be related to something else.
There are many things that a flash of light could mean. This could be one of the messages:
“I am here with you and following you all the time.” I am staying because I want to keep you safe.
4. Smells

Have you ever felt calm or peaceful but could not figure out where it came from? It might have been in a spot where you did not think anyone could have been, but it was still there.
If you notice something out of the blue or something that makes you think of a happy memory, it could be an angel letting you know they are nearby.
Lavender, vanilla, and chocolate are all smells that angels often send.
5. Things like tingle, chills, or goosebumps

Feelings of warmth, goosebumps, or chills can let you know that Angels are nearby. It could mean that your guardian angel is with you based on how you feel when you have them.
They can show their presence in other ways, too. This time, they will use your body to chat with you.
Having goosebumps or chills can also be a sign of a guardian angel. There are even reports of people seeing bright light in the sky, which they say is angels coming down to help them.
6. Dreams

Dreams are one of the strongest ways to talk to Angels. You know what this is like if you have ever dreamed about your guardian angel or gotten a word from them on the dream.
You might not have always known it was a “dream.” Instead, you might have thought of it as a chat with your Guardian Angel, who came to visit and talk to you through your mind’s ability to imagine things.
7. Rainbows

During the day, a rainbow can mean a lot of different things. It could mean a fresh start, happiness, or something else good. A lot of people think that rainbows are signs of hope and spirit that we should keep going in life.
And some people think that rainbows are the “pathway to Heaven.” If you see one, they say, you will have good luck for the rest of your life.
Rainbows often show up in your dreams or in your mind at night. If you see a rainbow at night, it means that someone close to you has died or moved on.
8. Angel Numbers

Angel numbers may show up over and over again in your life, like a phone number or address. There is a chance that some people will see certain numbers “by accident,” like on license plates, signs, and other ads.
People say that these numbers are from the angels and that they are trying to tell us something.
Here are some popular angel numbers that have important messages for you:
The number 111 means that your guardian angels are with you and will help you.
Angel Number 222 means that Archangels are always with you to help and watch over you.
Angel Number 333 means that Angels are with you to help you get through the hard times in life.
It also tells you that Angel Number 444 is always with you to protect you.
9. Hummingbirds and other birds

To see a hummingbird can mean that you are loved and faithful, as well as that you have hope during hard times.
Seeing a hummingbird could mean that your guardian angel is close and wants to show you something. Otherwise, the hummingbird may have helped send a message to a loved one who has died.
10. Clouds with pictures and shapes

People often see angel clouds in the sky. If you see a cloud with an unknown picture or figure on it, it could mean that your guardian angel wants to talk to you.
The picture or symbol could be a memory of something important to you or a part of your life that needs healing. It could also be sending you a message.
11. The Solar Plexus

Your mind and feelings are based in the Solar Plexus part of your body. It is known to be a great place for Angelic energy to affect our lives.
When you open your Solar Plexus, you might feel very calm, like you are in touch with the universe and your guardian angels.
These things can also be done by reading a book or listening to music that moves this part of your body.
People say that when you are in touch with your Solar Plexus, your guardian angel will be able to talk to you more clearly.
In conclusion
Like we said before, each guardian angel has its own set of symbols and signs that it uses to talk to us. You may also notice some events and themes that happen over and over again.
Above all, know that the angels are always there for you, no matter what way they choose to talk to you.
Deep down, they love and care about you and will do everything they can to protect and guide you through life.
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