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Angelina Jolie’s Former Head Of Security Has Made Shocking Accusations Against Her

Off The Record

Angelina Jolie’s Former Head Of Security Has Made Shocking Accusations Against Her

The impact from Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s highly publicized divorce appears to be very unpleasant. It appears that additional information is now being released.

To find out more about the most recent update, continue reading.

Some unsettling claims about Angelina Jolie and her actions while married to Brad Pitt are being made public by a former security guard for the couple.

According to court records that the media has recently seen, Pitt’s attorneys claim that Tony Webb, a former security guard, was informed that Jolie had instructed the kids not to talk to Pitt during their weekly visits.

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Additionally, according to the documents, Jolie tried to intimidate the security guards into keeping quiet about this by threatening them with non-disclosure agreements (NDAs).

The court case between the two ex-partners over their shared Château Miraval vineyard spans years, and the records are a part of it. There has been a lot of back and forth in this case regarding the usage of NDAs and other matters.

Webb served as “head of Jolie’s security detail for two decades, and he remained in that role for approximately four years after the couple divorced,” according to the documents.

Webb claimed that Jolie “required him and his contractors to sign NDAs relating to various personal and professional details of her, and her family’s, life.”

The couple fought bitterly for custody of their six children after filing for divorce. The records stated that Webb stated he “received multiple calls from Jolie’s representative, who told Mr. Webb to remind his staff that they had entered into NDAs with Jolie and that if they testified in a custody proceeding, Jolie would sue them.”

Webb stated that he had sent the information to his contractors, who both agreed to testify in the event of a subpoena.

“One of them told Webb that ‘he would testify about statements he overheard that Ms. Jolie made to the children, encouraging them to avoid spending time with Mr. Pitt during custody visits,” the records reportedly stated.

Additionally, according to the records, “the two security contractors both testified” in spite of Jolie firing Mr. Webb’s company immediately after they were threatened with legal action.

Webb did not assert that he heard Jolie’s instruction to the kids not to talk to Pitt while they are in his custody. He currently works for Pitt as well.

Since then, Paul Murphy, Jolie’s lawyer, has spoken to the media about this issue. He said in a statement, “Mr. Pitt’s continued attempt to equate common NDAs for security personnel and housekeepers covering confidential information employees learn at work, with him demanding an expanded NDA to ensure the continued coverup of his deplorable actions remains shameful. This case is not about NDAs in general, but about power and control. All Angelina has ever wanted was separation and health, with positive relationships between all members of their family, including Mr. Pitt. She looks forward to the day when he is finally able to let her go,” the statement further read.

The most recent submission was made more than a month after Jolie’s attorney filed documents asserting that Pitt had physically abused her prior to the purportedly notorious 2016 plane incident. Documents state the incident was the tipping point for the couple to file for divorce.

The majority of the motion filed by Jolie’s legal team in early April concerned their ownership interests of Château Miraval, a French wine estate.

In order to explain why the actor “suddenly conditioned his purchase of Jolie’s share of Miraval on her agreeing to a greatly expanded NDA now covering Pitt’s personal misconduct, whether related to Miraval or not.” her legal team filed a motion asking the court to compel Pitt and his legal team to provide “responses” and “documents.”

Jolie is adamant that Pitt is trying to “cover up” the alleged abuse that she and their children have endured, which is why she is demanding NDAs.

Following the authorities’ investigation into the 2016 plane mishap, Pitt was never prosecuted.

Pitt’s attorneys assert that Jolie and her team were the ones who asked for a “broader” NDA, in opposition to what Jolie’s attorneys are asserting.

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