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Your January Horoscope Is Here, It Is Said To Be So Accurate, It’s Scary

Off The Record

Your January Horoscope Is Here, It Is Said To Be So Accurate, It’s Scary

TThe first week of the first month is almost over and we are all finally taking off our party hats and heading our sorry faces back to work. This is the time for New Year resolutions, including the ones you do not intend to keep.

Anyway, the first month does come with some astrological surprises, one of which already happened yesterday. The sun gave us an eclipse pretty early on in the year and the new moon fell in Capricorn’s domain. This was quite appropriate for the resolution part, because this was the time to know what to change and how to change it.

On January 6th, continuing on that thread, Uranus moving into Aries will be providing us with the requisite energy and momentum we need to stick to our promises we have made to ourselves.

A week from today, on the 13th, Jupiter and Neptune will be squaring; do not trust your senses blindly. Verify things even more than usual. The Aquarian phase will begin from the 20th which will help us examine the future.

On the 21st, we will see the first lunar eclipse of the year, with a full moon in Leo, which will obviously help in the self-confidence boosting. This will be in conjunction with Uranus, a perfect opportunity to explore emotions.

Lastly, on the 25th, Mars will trine with Jupiter, thereby putting luck into your lucky actions. This will continue till the last date, on 31st, when Saturn and Neptune will form a trine which will bring prophetic qualities to dreams.

You will also be interested in reading: The 4 Most Powerful Zodiac Signs And Their Hidden Traits

Let’s take a look at how these events will affect the signs:


Thanks to the first event, you have to understand that you have to buckle down on your grip on life and try harder to get it onto the straight and narrow.

On Jan 6th, Uranus retrograde will end and it will move into Aries. These will create transformative powers which you should look forward to using.

The trining of Mars and Venus will bring your love and money-matters into a close situation, which will be mingled with family, thanks to the lunar eclipse close by.

Expect boosting of your self-confidence at the end of the month, thanks to Mars trine Jupiter.


The solar eclipse on the 5th is going to take place in your ninth house: adventure and learning. Expect an intermingling of the two.

As eclipses are revealing times, so try not to hide your mistakes,which need fixing.

Uranus slowly moving from Aries to Taurus will help in self-construction and boost your self-confidence.

The Mars and Venus trine will help you realize your ideas and concepts that you have on paper.

The sun will enter your tenth house on the 20th while the next day, the moon will enter your house of family and relationships.

The trine of Mars and Jupiter on the 25th will give you clarity to realize your spiritual potential.


Lady luck will be on your side, as on the 7th, Venus and Jupiter move into your house of love, which is especially beneficial for your love life.

The lunar eclipse on the 21st will help you get your finances on point.


On the 7th, Venus, your planet of love and home and responsibilities will be in conjunction with your planet of work and health, Jupiter. This will be a good time to pick up and stick to a healthy habit or resolution.

On the 18th, Venus and Mars trine and this will be the nitro-boost you need to work at full-power. The eclipse on the 21st will bring out money matters, previously hidden, to your attention.


The solar eclipse yesterday has kick-started your process of adapting and assimilating good and healthy habits. If you are looking for a change of careers, the 18th is a good time to start, given your career planet Venus will be in a trine with Mars, the planet of energy and radical action.

On the 20th, the Sun moves into your house of love and relationships. The next day might bring some difficulties adjusting to your emotions, but that will pass.


The eclipse in Capricorn will obviously be beneficial to you given how organized you are. The Jupiter-Neptune conjunction on the 13th will be special, given the former rules your home while the latter rules your love life.

What you should be careful about, however, are your expectations.


The Jupiter-Neptune duo might affect your communication and thereby your role of peacemaker. The lunar eclipse on the 21st will bring new career opportunities given the moon’s status as your career planet.


Venus will inhabit your sign till the 7th, so be careful about the love-induced blindness that you will experience. Large career changes may occur as the sun starts ruling your sphere of career.

The Jupiter-Neptune duo will make people around you make promises that they will not keep. The moon wanes on your sign on the 27th and 28th so it will be a time of contemplation when you must be kind to yourself.


You will weather all storms because you are one of those rare philosophic ones. Venus, the ruler of your health, will move into your sign giving you more stamina and energy.

Your ruling planet Jupiter will conjunct with your Neptune, your planet of home and family on the 13th.

On the 20th, the Sun will enter a favorable house which will help you communicate better.


The 5th will be the day your metamorphosis starts as the planet ruling love and relationships moves into your sun. On the 13th, your communications ruler, Neptune, will square it off with the ruler of your spiritual aspect, Jupiter. 

This is the time to be inspired, but at the same time, the time to quietly reflect and listen to others’ advice.

You will find overlooked expenses and, with the luck that the sun will bring through Aquarius season, you will wave your troubles away.


The Sun rules your love life while the moon is responsible for your health and career. On the 6th, Uranus, your ruling planet will be ending its retrograde and moving into Aries, which is a sign of fire and action. Despite Jupiter and Neptune’s bringing of some issues regarding finances, the move towards your season is well on its way and comfortable.


The Sun and the moon opposing each other in the initial week of the year will make some issues with friendships and relationships, but if you are giving undue advantages to people, this will take the blinds off of you.

Thanks to the Sun entering your sphere of health and work on the 20th you will find a good work-life balance.

So, gear up for the month of January folks!

Image source: quka ©

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