Off The Record
Yesterday, A Dirty And Sad Homeless Man Came Up To Me. When I Saw Who He Was I Was Shocked To My Core
The homeless man who approached me yesterday was disheveled, miserable, and had no shoes or a frayed shirt on. I handed him $50 after he asked for $20, and he said, “Thank you very much!”
“Take care of yourself!” I yelled. But he didn’t look away from me; instead, a smile spread across his face.
“Don’t you remember me?” he questioned.
We both went to high school together; “It’s me, is Ross.”
I looked at him. “Please, God! Ross, I remember that we fought once, and you won, but the other time you saved me from a man who was going to hit me! How did things turn out for you?”
Sad to say, everything occurred to me, he said. That’s all that happened to me: “I joined a gang, I smoked, I drank, I slept with women, I abandoned three pregnant women, I stole, I beat people, I spent seven times in jail, my kids are a mess and don’t want me, I contemplated suicide twice, and now I’m pleading for food and drink”.

With a dropped head, I spoke,
“How tragic!” He retorted, grinning, “I already have food for today, take care of yourself!”
Then he briskly and unsteadily walked away.
During the trip home, I asked myself, “Why had our lives turned out differently if we had the same circumstances and possibilities as kids?” and I answered. Because MY PARENTS were present, his present was different from mine!
Yes, my parents were the “worst” people in the world! They allowed him to go around the street playing and doing whatever came to mind, but I had schedules and restrictions and repercussions if I didn’t finish assignments by the deadline.
When I was tardy or missed school entirely, I received disciplinary action, but he didn’t. In town, he could talk badly of the elderly, smoke, and eat everything he pleased!

I was made to drink milk and water and eat either a long chicken-cutlery soup or vegetable soup. smoking or drinking?
I was terrified to even bring it up!
Reacting inappropriately or using bad language? A hard glance and a smack on the back of the mouth! Dad and Mom, thank you very much!
Since I had the worst parents in the world, it’s not him today—it’s me!
I thank God today that I had such strict and caring parents. You are loved, parents, and I will always hold a special place in my heart for you. So I persisted!
How can we improve this incredible world? “TEACH THE CHILD”
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