Off The Record
Two Ladies Tell Stories In Heaven On They Died — And The Ending Is Priceless
I wanted to share this amusing anecdote that I came upon! It’s a humorous take on what may occur if two women crossed paths in heaven and exchanged “how did you get here” tales.
This is how it transpired:
First female: Hello! Wanda is my name!
The second female: Hello! My name is Sylvia. How did you pass away?
First woman: I was frozen.
Second woman: How awful!
First female: It wasn’t that horrible. I started to feel warm and drowsy once I stopped trembling from the cold, and I eventually passed away quietly. How about you?
Second woman: I had a huge heart attack and died. I came home early to catch my hubby cheating since I thought he was doing it. Instead, I discovered him watching TV alone in the den.
First woman: Well, what took place?
Second woman: I began frantically searching the entire house since I was positive there was another woman there. I dashed down into the basement and up into the attic to search. After that, I looked beneath each bed and in every closet. I continued doing this until I had searched everywhere, and at last I was so worn out that I simply passed away from a heart attack.
First woman: We would both still be alive if you hadn’t checked the freezer!
Keep in mind that the best medicine is laughing, so make sure to forward this to someone whose day you wish to make happier!
A bus full of nuns perishes when it plunges off a precipice. When they reach Heaven’s gates, they run toward St. Peter.
“Sisters, welcome to Heaven!” exclaims St. Peter to them. I will release you all through the pearly gates in a moment, but before I do, I have one last question for everyone of you. Kindly create a single-file line.
And they do.

St. Peter approaches the first nun in line and asks, “Sister, have you ever touched a penis?”
“Well, there was this one time… that I kind of sort of touched one with the tip of my pinky finger,” the sister replies.
“All right, sister, dip the tip of your pinky finger in the Holy Water and you might be admitted,” says St. Peter.
When she does, Heaven is opened to her.
“Sister, have you ever touched a penis?” St. Peter asks the second nun.
“Well, there was this one instance where I briefly held one.”
“All right, sister, you can be admitted if you simply wash your hands in the Holy Water.”
When she does, Heaven is opened to her.
At this point, the line is jostling and making noise. One nun appears to be attempting to cut in front of another!
When St. Peter notices this, he asks the nun, “What is this, Sister Susan? There’s no hurry!
“Well, I’d rather do it before Sister Mary sticks her ass in it if I’m going to have to gargle this stuff,” Sister Susan replies.
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