This Is What Happens When You Get Rejected An Infinite Number Of Times
We have all heard stories that there cannot be success without failure, without struggle, but when we are faced with these difficulties in real life, we often give up, but that is not what Jack Ma did, one of the richest man in China.
His story is what you all need to hear if you feel like there won’t be any light at the end of the tunnel.
Jack Ma always wanted to do something amazing, something that would change the world and he was relentless in his pursuit.
He applied to Harvard and many other universities but all he received were rejections, and while we would think he gave up just like most of us do, he persevered.
He decided to dedicate everything he possibly could to his vision and create Alibaba. A lot of people around him kept saying that his idea was impractical and would never become a reality, but Jack was adamant and he did not lose focus.
What really drove him to keep working on his dream was his desire to help the people of the world and make it a better place to live in.
He pitched his ideas to many, many investors but no wanted to fund his idea. He had finally had a chance to make his vision come true when he found investors who liked his idea but they also had their reservations about the same. It would wreck any other person’s self esteem but Jack kept at it.
Even when the business started, it made no profit for three years, it would have been easy to just scrap the idea but Jack Ma was moved by his customer’s comments and messages, who kept telling him how much he had helped them and how saddened they were that they could not give him any money, and right after that, Alibaba started making money.
A lot of us have dreams but sometimes we lack the courage to chase them and other times we are brought down by society and the people around us.
Remember that during those harsh times, we must think about stories of people like Jack Ma, of such people who are challenged by any adversaries that they are faced with.
It would be an utter waste if all we did was give up.
Get up and get your dreams!
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