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The Full Sturgeon Moon In August Will Make Things Exciting For These Two Zodiac Signs


The Full Sturgeon Moon In August Will Make Things Exciting For These Two Zodiac Signs

If the Mercury retrograde in August wasn’t already turbulent enough, there will be another tumultuous cosmic event soon: the full moon in Aquarius on August 19.

The first supermoon of the year, this full moon is among the most astrologically intense of the year.

All signs of the zodiac are currently being pushed toward significant decisions and significant changes by the planets acting in concert. However, growing pains are a natural part of development, and for the zodiac signs that are most affected, the full moon in August will make them particularly severe.

August’s brightest lunation, also called the Sturgeon Moon, rises in the rebellious and free-thinking sign of Aquarius.

This lunation serves as a powerful cosmic reminder that staying true to yourself is essential, even if it means letting go of things you love or facing some painful truths.

It is also a challenge to step beyond your comfort zone and learn how to march to the beat of your own drum, as the sun and moon coincide during this lunation with Uranus, the creative cosmic ruler of Aquarius.

This full moon will be particularly difficult for some zodiac signs since it coincides with another T-square combining Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. These aspects are known to be quite aggravating.

The two toughest major aspects that make up a T-square are one opposition and two square aspects, which happen when planets align from three separate zodiac corners.

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T-square alignments can be extremely powerful and erratic because they apply tremendous pressure on the current energy and heighten tensions.

When they happen, you frequently feel as though you are forced to face the music and make some life adjustments. The favorable tidings?

T-squares are useful for encouraging people to take action, enabling unproductive circumstances to eventually reach a turning point.

Most people will experience the affects of this full moon in one way or another because there are two T-squares occurring at the same time, one in the mutable signs and one in the fixed signs. However, the intensity and growth potential of this full moon are likely to affect people born under the signs of Aquarius and Leo the most, as the sun and moon are in these positions, respectively.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22)

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Since this full moon is the last event of your birthday season, Leo, you should anticipate nothing less than the dramatic, right?

On August 19, the sun is in your sign and will align with the full moon.

Both planets will be feuding with Uranus, the wild child of the planets, which might bring about unexpected changes and disclosures in both love and business partnerships.

A lot of lessons about being more genuine in the world are being taught to you, and this full moon will encourage you to face whatever emotions are surfacing at the moment.

This is especially true if they have anything to do with agreements you’ve made with people or attempts to forge interpersonal ties.

During the full moon, the sun in your sign is also in close conjunction with Mercury retrograde.

This combination has been making it challenging for you to see yourself from other people’s perspectives and may even be making you doubt who you are. However, everything is coming to light due to this madness, both good and terrible, so seize this opportunity for self-examination and make an effort to see oneself compassionately.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)

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Your sign is experiencing August’s largest lunation, so now is the perfect time to face your fears head-on and begin working on replacing them with confidence.

It’s time to start changing into a more genuine version of yourself, so don’t be scared to let go of your old skins.

All that matters is that you live up to your own standards and don’t have to conform to the status quo. So embrace your inner rebel and begin purging anything that doesn’t feel like it fits with who you are.

During this lunation, your ruling planet Uranus—a wild child—will square off with both the sun and the full moon, adding to the unpredictable nature of your lunar experience.

Your comfort zone is beginning to get tight, so push yourself to go outside of it and begin establishing brand-new guidelines for your life.

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