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What Does The Color Of Your Urine Say About Your Health


What Does The Color Of Your Urine Say About Your Health

Who really has the time or mind to check if there are some changes in our urine? It sounds unimportant. But guess what: the color of your urine can tell you if you have a healthy body or not.

Urine is composed of water, salts, and chemicals like urea and uric acid. In the form of a liquid, the toxins from blood and liver are filtered out through urination. Thus, if your urine is normal, it indicates that you have a healthy system.

Know that your urine is normal if it has a pale-yellow color. It is caused by a pigment called urochrome. However, illness, medicines, certain foods or lack of fluids might can change the color of urine.

If your system has a shortage of fluids, it will be indicated by the urine color. The color becomes darker, a sort of amber color.

Unusual colors of urine:

At times, urine may experience serious color changes. They may get red, brown, cloudy white, orange or blue. Obviously, such change is not normal.

What causes these color changes? It maybe that you’ve taken some medication which hasn’t suited you. Maybe you’ve got an infection or a medical condition. Even too much intake of certain foods reflects in the color. Whatever be the case, an abnormal urine color is not healthy. It needs immediate medical attention. So, don’t ignore it. Take a doctor’s consultation.

Listed below are a few of the abnormal urine colors you must know and be aware about!

Pink or Red

Strong antibiotics, like rifampin, can cause a red or pinkish urine. Apart from that, over-intake of colored food, like beetroots, blackberries, carrots or rhubarb, might also be the reason. Red coloration may also indicate possible kidney or prostate problems. So, a visit to the doctor’s is a must.

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Did you notice your urine to be orange? It might be the result of having too much of vitamin B2 in your system. Even the UTI drug called phenazopyridine can be a reason. An antibiotic isoniazid also causes orange coloration.

Moreover, the body fluid content must be checked, as a dehydrated body produces orange urine. Liver functions must be monitored since most of the chemicals in urine are related to the liver. Consult a doctor immediately in order to arrest the problem.


Is your urine foamy or almost milky white at times? Don’t ignore it. Problems in kidney functions are sometimes the cause of this. Seek a doctor’s opinion as soon as you can.

Blue or Green

Some medicines having anesthetic Propofol or promethazine may have an effect on the urine color. It can be the reason behind blue or green urine. If this change does not happen in time, it means the medicine didn’t work. So, a doctor’s opinion is necessary.

However, don’t simply depend on urine color changes to check your body’s health. Other than this, any kind of unusual discharge, continuous pain or nausea is a sign that a doctor’s appointment is to be made.

What’s most important, is to be aware of all the changes in your urine. Normal urine is a sign of healthy body. A change in the color of it, is a sign that something might be wrong.

So, if you see some unusual changes, don’t push it at the back of your mind. It’s always better to understand the problem before it gets worse. A visit to the doctor’s when such changes are noticed will be a smart choice indeed.

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