Off The Record
Sick, Lifeless Boy Says ‘Goodbye’ To Dog, But A Miracle Happens When The Dog Lays Next To Him…
A young, six-year-old boy named Caleb suffered from a horrible accident which resulted in a brain injury.
The young boy also had his ribs fractured, as a consequence of the accident.
Unfortunately things seemed to take a turn for the worse when the doctors were unable to see any ray of hope in his test reports. The parents and the doctor had lost their optimism and hope all lost for their dying son and patient. Then, the doctor suggested strange therapy.
The therapy almost looked like a joke to the parents when they heard it. How can this weird therapy work if no medication seem to work for their young boy? But they decided to look for a ray of hope in the darkest times.
They decided to give it a try and crossed their fingers that this miracle would save their child.
The therapy session began and a dog Colonel walked in. How could an animal sort the whole situation out?! The dog was brought in and the doctors made him lie and sit down next to the injured boy.
The golden retriever Colonel was a therapy dog trained by the Danes family who was known to bring people back to life.
His therapy proved to help a lot of injured patients before and the doctors hoped that this would do the magic for young Caleb. However, the parents were still skeptic that a dog would do miracle, since none of the medications seem to work for their son.
Therapy sessions began, and everyone crossed their fingers and hoped that this would do the magic, or young Caleb would have to live his entire life in the state of paralysis. When the dog laid down next to the young boy a miracle happened. Doctors and his parents couldn’t believe their eyes.
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