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Robert De Niro “Forced To Work” To Afford Ex-Wife’s Luxury Lifestyle, Lawyer Claims

Off The Record

Robert De Niro “Forced To Work” To Afford Ex-Wife’s Luxury Lifestyle, Lawyer Claims

Robert De Niro is one of the most famous actors in the world. He’s also seen as one of the most talented actors that ever existed. He won dozen of awards, including two Oscars for best supporting actor in The Godfather Part 2 and best actor for Raging Bull.

Diving into his private life, he’s been married and divorced twice.

Through the settlement in 2018 for the 2nd divorce that seemed like a smooth one, new info announced that De Niro’s lawyer is to be believed De Niro is being forced to work to finance Hightower’s luxurious lifestyle, his second wife.

Image source: Wikimedia

Robert De Niro – Grace Hightower

After long marriage, Robert De Niro and Grace Hightower choose to split different paths. It certainly isn’t easy to be in a happy, successful marriage in Hollywood with all the fuss and spotlight pouring information over the media outlets who are mostly just rumors.

We’ve seen successful marriages like Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn, or Tom Hanks with Rita Wilson who’ve been marred since 1988. But these are rare cases.

De Niro also had long marriage with his wife Grace Hightower, which laster 21 years and ended in 2018.

It’s been rumored that De Niro is having another relationship now. However, since his split with his ex-wife it looks like De Niro is having a problem with “sponsoring” his ex-wife’s luxurious lifestyle.

Robert De Niro and Grace Hightower back in 2012. Image source: Flickr/David Shankbone

Robert De Niro “forced to work”

The exact details about the divorce haven’t really reached the public, but according to several outlets, De Niro is having a hard time paying up his ex-wife’s luxurious lifestyle.

De Niro’s lawyer, Caroline Krauss, says that Hightower has “a thirst for Stella McCartney” and has even bought a $1 million-plus diamond ring, as reported by Page Six. According to an info by Business Insider, De Niro has cut Grace’s monthly credit card limit down from $100,000 to $50,000 in a bid to cut down on her spendings.

Now, there’s been a “court bloodshed” between the two. According to Krauss, De Niro’s lawyer, his restaurants suffered a lot in losses due to the pandemic.

“Mr. De Niro is 77 years old, and while he loves his craft, he should not be forced to work at this prodigious pace because he has to,” Krauss told a Manhattan judge during a virtual divorce hearing, as reported by Page Six.

Image source: Flickr/Siebbi

Fires back against the actor

“When does that stop? When does he get the opportunity to not take every project that comes along and not work six-day weeks, 12-hour days so he can keep pace with Ms. Hightower’s thirst for Stella McCartney?” she added.

“He could get sick tomorrow, and the party’s over.”

However, Grace’s lawyer Kevin McDonough fired back at De Niro, claiming that talk of his finances being in disarray is “nonsense”.

“I’m not a believer that a man who has an admitted worth of $500 million and makes $30 million a year, all of a sudden in March he needs to cut down [spousal support] by 50 percent and ban her from the house,” McDonough said.

What do you think about this? Is Robert De Niro right, or he’s exaggerating to stack more money in the bank? Or maybe something else is happening that we’re not being informed about? Please SHARE this post with your opinion.

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