Press This Button On Your Body To Relieve Stress & Anxiety Within Seconds
The practice of Chinese medicine has been has been around for over 2,500 years. It has been globally recognized as an efficient method to treat health problems like stress and anxiety.
According to the traditional Chinese medicine, each individual possesses specific acupressure points throughout their body. These acupressure points lie along what is known as energy meridians. Our qi, or life force, flows through these meridians.
Acupressure can help stimulate the areas which are not functioning as well as they should be. They stimulate activity in those areas which are sore and need to be taken care of.
Chinese medicine has identified 12 of these energy meridians which connect to major organs, as well as help keep the body in balance. If a single meridian is not functioning properly, the entire body will not function to its fullest and healthiest capacity.
There are acupressure points for alleviating stress and anxiety. If we apply pressure to certain parts of the body, we can reduce the ill effects of stress and anxiety on our health. The process of acupressure uses the involvement of fingers while acupuncture uses needle.
If pressure is applied to the CV 17 area, immediate relief is felt by a person. CV 17 stands for ‘conception vessel 17’, the center of the chest. If you ever feeling plagued by stress and anxiety, the middle of your chest will be slightly painful when you will apply pressure to it. Chinese medicine also refers to this as the sea of tranquility.
The CV 17 area is crucial for the heart-energy center of the body or the heart chakra. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the heart center is associated with the body’s emotions. When this center is functioning properly then you feel joyous and will have harmonious relationship with everything around you. If you are stressed, this area becomes sore and puts you in an irritable mood.
It has also been said that the location of CV 17 also contributes to balancing the levels of yin and yang energy levels within the body. It can restore the balance to our physical and emotional senses.
People who regularly practice acupressure believe that all the imbalances in our nervous system can be treated with applying little pressure on CV 17 area. It is also helpful in boosting out immune system.
You can follow these instructions to locate your CV 17 area and further to apply acupressure:
If you ever feeling plagued by stress and anxiety, the middle of your chest will be slightly painful when you will apply pressure to it. Chinese medicine also refers to this as the sea of tranquility.
– You can locate the CV 17 area four finger-widths above the base of the breastbone- almost directly in the center of your chest.
– Put the tips of your fingers inside the small indention in this area. Now using light pressure, slowly rub up and down the center of your breastbone until you find the right spot i.e. which is sore.
– Now straighten your spine and sit upright and place your palms together with your fingers pointed toward the ceiling. It is called the prayer pose.
– Once you are in the prayer pose, use the back of your thumb knuckles to apply gentle pressure into the center of your CV 17 for almost 2 – 3 minutes.
– Close your eyes and breathe deep, regular breaths.
– Your head should be upright. Relax your neck and shoulders.
– You can gently tap this area with your fingers to fall asleep at night.
CV 17 pressure area is also helpful for those who have depression, chronic fatigue, post-traumatic stress disorder, and hormonal imbalances.
CV 17 Acupressure Point for Instant Relief of Pain, Tension, Stress, Anxiety – Dr Mandell:
How To Sooth Mental and Emotional Anxiety – Acupressure, Conception Vessel 17: