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My Parents Moved My Brother Into My House While I Was On Vacation — A Week Later, He Was Begging To Leave

Off The Record

My Parents Moved My Brother Into My House While I Was On Vacation — A Week Later, He Was Begging To Leave

Jeremy’s brother Ted is a slob, so when Jeremy and his wife Nina return from vacation, they are shocked to see Ted living with them. Ted is forced to move out by Jeremy after an altercation that results in furious parents and Nina moving out.

I thought I would unwind, maybe crack open a glass of wine with my wife, and take in the quiet of our home after returning from vacation. Rather, we entered a living room that resembled a fully furnished fraternity house following a very bad party.

Beer cans littered the area, soiled clothing was piled in various directions, and the smell—oh my god—was overwhelming. My elder brother Theodore, often known as Ted, was lying fully stretched out on my couch, giving the impression that he was the owner of the space.

“What the hell, Ted? What is this? How come you’re in my home?” I asked, attempting to remain composed even though my heart rate was increasing rapidly.

Source: Midjourney

My wife, Nina, rolled her eyes as she took in our living room. I realized right then that I had to make the necessary corrections or I would have a very irate wife.

With a nonchalant glance, my brother looked up, as if I hadn’t just caught him in the act.

He said, “Oh, hey, Jeremy.” “Your parents decided it would be simpler if I moved in while you were away. It’s not like you’re using all this space that you have, you know? Nina and you are away on vacation or at work.”

I blinked as I tried to take in the boldness of what he had spoken.

“You made the move? You relocated to my home? without requesting? Ted, are you crazy?”

Source: Midjourney

He raised his feet to the couch and crossed them as though he was ready to watch a movie, rolling his eyes.

He responded, “Yeah, so what?” “It’s not like you would say yes, and I needed somewhere to stay. We therefore choose to omit that section. Jeremy, stop being such a stickler. Just lend a hand to a brother.”

After years of witnessing him take advantage of my parents and live a life full of excuses, it was as like a switch had been flipped inside of me. In this case, he was the victim.


He had now taken over my home. Really?

My phone rang just as I was about to say something. Mom. Naturally.

I replied, attempting to sound as composed as I could.

Source: Midjourney

“Mom, did you and Dad seriously let Theodore move into my house while I was away?”

“Why are you using my full name?” Ted added his voice in the background.

I disregarded him.

My mother remarked, “Jeremy, stop being so dramatic,” without even the slightest trace of regret. “You have so much space, and Ted needed somewhere to stay. You’re not even a parent yet. What could be the harm in lending a hand to your brother?”

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

“He’s 42 years old, Mom. He is not a child. After allowing him to take advantage of you for years, you now want to throw him at me? Are you for real? Why do you think he should be treated like a young man just out of college?”

My mother’s voice changed, and she launched an instant defense.

“Oh, mooching, huh?” said she. “Jeremy, I’m disappointed in you. He’s experienced a lot. You have no idea how it feels to be him. Everything has always been within your control. Ted requires a bit more assistance. You owe it to him as family.”

Source: Midjourney

Experienced a great deal? My brother was born to two separate women and had two children under the age of five. Nor did he bother endorsing either of them. How could I be sympathetic to this man?

My father answered the phone before I could reply, his voice filling my ears with frustration.

“Jeremy, please get over your ego. You own the wife, the house, and the money. What makes a difference? Taking care of your family is your responsibility. Ted is your sibling. He intends to stay.”

I was on the verge of going crazy. I almost succumbed to my rage. However, I later realized that it was simply not my style. Ted might have believed he had the upper hand this time, but I had other ideas.

“It’s not about the space, Dad,” I replied. “Respect is the key. Ted cannot move in here on his own without my approval. Nina and I have put a lot of effort into our house. What’s worse still? All my wife has to do is cope with this as well.”

Ted snorted from the couch.

Source: Midjourney

“Oh, please, hurry up. Don’t behave as though you’re very powerful. It’s only a house,” he remarked.

“However, you’ve been taking advantage of your parents for years.” Why should I believe you would act in a different way in this situation? How come you can’t stay with one of your children and their mother?

That seems like the card that would have irritated him the most. However, he didn’t even wince.

“The reason being that I’m family.” Why do you continually behave as though I’m not who I am? I have the right to remain here. I didn’t expect you’d be this bad, but your parents indicated you would be like this.”

I had finished.

I replied, “Okay, Ted.” “Do you wish to remain? Yes. Let’s observe how that transpires.”

I didn’t mind treating my brother badly; after all, someone needed to discipline him. However, Nina was very irate when I went upstairs to tell her everything that had transpired over the phone.

She responded, “Jer, you can’t be serious,” as I took a seat on the bed across from her.

“I’ll take care of it. I swear to you, Nina. I will correct this. However, I’m going to discipline him first.”

“Well, I’d rather not be present for it. It’s a week from now. I’ll stay away if you get him out,” she declared.

I questioned, “What do you mean by that?”

“Jeremy, I’m heading to my sister’s place.” She packed a suitcase as she added, “I will not stay here while your brother is here because I can’t stand him.”

Source: Midjourney

As I promised her, “I’ll make this right, my love,”

Without ever raising my voice, I turned Ted’s life into a living nightmare for the following week. I was also more motivated to get him out now that Nina was gone.

Disconnecting the WiFi was the first thing I did. Ted was absolutely disoriented, having spent most of his days staring at his phone or binge-watching TV series.

I just smiled, but he grumbled.

“Ah, the World Wide Web? Yes, it has been erratic.”

I then turned off the hot water. Ted used to enjoy taking long, leisurely showers, but now he had to wake up to freezing cold water every morning.

I used to blithely tell him, “There must be a plumbing issue,” whenever he complained.

And then there was the cuisine.

All I put in the fridge was tofu, veggies, and the healthiest stuff I could find. Anything that wasn’t fried or oily disgusted Ted. And now he complained like he was starving every time he opened the refrigerator.

“You’re family, right?” Say, in my opinion. “I’m sure a little inconvenience won’t bother you. You’ll be alright, though, as it’s for my health.”

To top it all off, I started listening to loud music in the gym area during my daily treadmill workout at six in the morning. Ted should at least wake up early, I reasoned, if he wasn’t going to help out around the house.

Source: Midjourney

Naturally, he detested everything. And by the fifth day, it appeared as though he was about to go insane.

Ted exclaimed one morning, “Jeremy, man, this is BS,” with a frustrated tone. “I’m unable to remain here. How do you make this your life? No hot water, no Wi-Fi, and no food that I like. It is agony, this.”

I arched an eyebrow.

“Ted, I felt you would be appreciative of staying. It’s not as though you make any contributions or pay rent. What’s the issue?”

He was obviously furious as he muttered something beneath his breath.

“Forget it, I’m going back to Mom and Dad’s.”

I couldn’t help but smile as he rushed off, dragging his junk with him.

I wasn’t finished, though. I prepared a nice dinner for Nina, went grocery shopping, and thoroughly cleaned the entire house. Ted had already left, I had informed her over the phone earlier in the day.

I said, “Come home, honey.”

She said, “I’ll see you later,” and I could hear her smiling.

I knew there was one more thing to do as I waited for Nina to take a shower.

I said over the phone, “Mom, Dad.” “Ted has left my home. And he is not going to return. Once more, he is your problem.”

Source: Midjourney

My mom was really upset.

“Jeremy, you cannot simply eject him! Where is he going?”

“Mom, that’s up to Ted. He is forty-two. Feel free to continue giving him favors. However, I’m through.”

Ted reportedly moved back into my parents’ house after that, but they insisted that he turn the garage into his own area. They made him obtain employment.

Naturally, Ted was upset and they put all the blame on me. However, I didn’t mind at all. Now that we got our house back, Nina and I were happy.

How would you have responded in that situation?

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