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My Father Stormed Into The Church And Said, “We Are Calling Off The Wedding!” – When I Discovered Why, I Became Pale

Off The Record

My Father Stormed Into The Church And Said, “We Are Calling Off The Wedding!” – When I Discovered Why, I Became Pale

I was about to say “I do” when my father yelled that the wedding was off and the church doors flew wide. What he said next instantly broke my heart.

My white gown was a rainbow of hues as the lovely morning light streamed through the stained glass windows. I was staring at my reflection in the full-length mirror, and I could not stop smiling. That day was my wedding.

My dearest friend and maid of honor, Lia, exclaimed, “You look absolutely radiant, Esther,” as she fixed my veil.

I smiled at her, excitement vibrating in my chest. “It’s unbelievable that today has actually arrived. I’m going to marry!”

Source: Midjourney

A tinge of self-consciousness appeared when Lia assisted me in getting into my wheelchair. I’ve relied on my wheelchair my entire life due to a leg deformity I was born with. But I wasn’t going to let that get to me down today.

Lia comforted me, holding my hand. “Kevin loves you exactly as you are.” “You two are made for each other.”

I nodded, picturing my future spouse standing ready at the altar. Only six months prior, we had connected at a support group. Like me, Kevin was disabled, and our connection had been immediate and deep.

For the first time in my life, I experienced genuine understanding and seeing.

“Remember when we were kids?” Lia adjusted a stray curl as she thought. “You always said you’d never get married.”

Source: Midjourney

I laughed, recalling my obstinate youth. “I guess I just needed to meet the right person.”

There was a knock on the door, which startled us. “Esther? Sweetheart, it’s time,” my mother called.

I smoothed my dress and took a deep breath. “This is the last one. Let’s head to the wedding!”

When the church doors opened, everyone’s gaze came to me. As my father, Matthews, started to push my wheelchair down the aisle, I experienced a rush of confidence.

My heart lifted as I saw the smile on Kevin’s face as he watched me approach.

My father leaned over to give me a cheek kiss as we arrived at the altar. He whispered, “You look beautiful, princess.” “I’m sorry I haven’t always been there for you.”

I gave him a handshake. “Dad, you’re here now. That is the important thing.”

Source: Midjourney

When the ceremony started, I looked around the seats for the familiar face of my father. It wasn’t long ago that he was there. I scowled when I failed to see him. How far away was he?

“We are gathered here today, dearly beloved,” the priest said.

I ignored my concern and concentrated on Kevin’s soft smile and warm brown eyes. Nothing could spoil our moment now that it was ours.

“Do you, Kevin, take Esther to be your lawfully wedded wife?”

Kevin tightened his hold on my hands. “I d—”

With a loud bang, the church doors suddenly flew open. “STOP THE WEDDING!”

Source: Midjourney

With a contorted expression of anger, my father bound down the aisle. “THIS BRIDAL IS CALLED OFF! You don’t know the true identity of this man.”

Shouts and whispers reverberated across the assembly. My face flushed when Dad came over to us and pointed an accusatory finger at Kevin.

“Dad, what are you doing?” Horrified, I hissed. “Have you lost your mind?”

Kevin tightened his hold on my hand. “Mr. Matthews, please, there must be some misunderstanding…”

“Shut up!” Dad gave a yell. He looked up at me, his eyes frenzied.

“Listen to me, Esther. This man is deceitful. a con artist. He has been deceiving you from the beginning!”

Source: Midjourney

I shook my head, not buying into it. “That is absurd. Kevin adores me.”

“He’s using you for your money!” Dad urged. “He has targeted weaker women like you in the past. The whirlwind romance and meeting you at the support group were all staged, my dear. He is a scammer.”

Kevin had turned pallid. “Baby Esther, don’t pay attention to him. You are familiar with me. You are aware of our true affection.”

I stared between them, my thoughts racing. “You can’t just level ridiculous charges like this, Dad. Where is your evidence?”

Source: Midjourney

Dad’s lips contorted into a nasty smile. “Oh, I’ve got proof alright.”

A waitress showed up with a ceramic cup, and Dad clapped. “The water is boiling right now. You lying pervert, I’m going to spill it all over our legs!” Dad turned to Kevin and barked.

He threw the contents of the cup upon Kevin’s knees before anyone could respond.

Kevin gave a start, then jumped out of his wheelchair.

The church grew quiet. Kevin stood in front of me on TWO PERFECTLY HEALTHY LEGS, and I gazed in awe.

Dad’s chuckles broke the stunned stillness. “All it was was chilly water! But now, Esther, you realize the reality. “He has been pretending to be disabled the entire time.”

The whole weight of the treachery poured over me, causing tears to well up in my eyes. “Kevin… how could you?”

Source: Midjourney

Kevin’s gaze flitted in all directions. “Esther, please, I can explain—”

“What exactly should I explain? How did you deceive me? Utilized me?”

“That wasn’t the case. I genuinely feel something for you.”

“Kevin, save it. I want to stop hearing from you right now.”

Police poured into the church as if on cue. “Johnson, you’re under arrest for fraud and grand robbery.”

“Johnson?” I let out a gasp. The man I loved was phony in every way, down to his name.

Source: Midjourney

My dreams were shattering around me as I watched in disbelieving silence as they carried him away in handcuffs. The thief was staring back at me with sorrow and desperation in his eyes when I last saw him.

A few hours later, I was lost in my broken world as I sat in my bedroom. Now, the oppressive weight of hopelessness served as a harsh reminder of the future I had lost. Abruptly, there was a gentle tap on the door.

“Esther?” My mother was there. “Your father wants to talk to you. Is it possible for him to enter?”

I wiped my tear-stained face and let out a heavy sigh. “Fine.”

Dad came in, the anger of earlier now replaced by a tired sadness. With his graying hair, he sat on the edge of my bed and ran a hand through it.

Oh my goodness, my sweetie. I am aware that this is not the wedding day you had in mind.”

I was unable to look at him. “How were you aware of this? Concerning him? When you escorted me down the aisle, why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

Dad let out a sigh. “This morning, I caught him strolling in the garden. I couldn’t quite get over it. Then I realized that, although he had asked me for money to arrange your honeymoon, nothing had been reserved when I checked. That’s when my doubts started to surface. I immediately engaged a private investigator. Within thirty minutes, we had discovered Kevin’s entire scheme. Esther, he’s done this to other women. Rich, vulnerable women just like you. All I wanted to do was show everyone how much of a wolf he was.”

Finally, the tears I’d been holding in broke out. “I’m such an idiot.”

Source: Midjourney

“No, honey.” Dad drew me into an embrace. “We are to blame for this—both your mother and me. We lost sight of what was truly important because we were too preoccupied with amassing wealth. You.”

I wept, burying my face in his shoulder. “Dad, I was very alone. He gave me a sense of specialness and empathy.”

“I am aware, princess. And I apologize profusely. Will you ever be able to pardon us?”

I withdrew and dabbed at my eyes. “It will require time. However, I’m happy you’re here now.”

Dad gave me a handshake. “There is a great deal of catching up to accomplish. Let’s start with some ice cream. For the sake of the past?”

A weak laugh leaked out of me. “That sounds perfect.”

I started to heal after a few weeks. I wheeled myself into my painting studio one afternoon, determined to turn my suffering into art.

Source: Midjourney

My phone chimed as I was blending colors on my palette, and it was Lia’s text: “How are you doing? Desire companionship? 🥺”

Her worry moved me, and I smiled. “I’m doing fine. Painting is helpful! 😉🎨.”

“You understand. I adore you, sweetie! Stay resilient! 💗”

I put my phone down and dipped my brush in bright crimson paint. A phoenix sprang from the ashes on the painting and started to take shape.

With a creak, the door opened and Mom stuck her head inside. “Esther? I was thinking of ordering in tonight with your father. Any demands?”

I turned, taken aback by the kind gesture. “Actually, is there any way we could cook together instead? as we did when I was a child?”

Source: Midjourney

Mom’s expression brightened. “I’d love that, sweetheart.”

I turned back to my work as she departed, a melancholy smile teasing my lips. My trust was shattered and my heart was still hurting. However, I didn’t feel alone for the first time in a long time.

We were all there in the kitchen later that night, and the smell of sautéing onions and garlic filled the air. Mom was stirring a stew on the stove, and Dad was chopping veggies. I was kneading dough for fresh bread while seated at the counter.

“Remember when we used to do this every Sunday?” With a nostalgic smile, Mom enquired.

I nodded, experiencing a twinge of longing. “Before the business took off and everything got so… busy.”

Dad put down his knife and looked up at me. “I want you to know, Esther, that your mother and I are dedicated to improving. To always having your back.”

Source: Midjourney

With sparkling eyes, Mom continued, “We’ve missed so much.” “But if you’ll let us, we’d like to make up for lost time.”

A lump started to grow in my throat. “That sounds good to me too,” I muttered.

As we carried on preparing food, exchanging tales and chuckles, I came to a crucial realization: the love and connection I had been longing for had always been here. All I had to do was open my eyes to see it.

Source: Midjourney

I’m still getting over the incident, with a broken heart and a canceled wedding. Even though I’m not quite over it, I’m grateful that Dad prevented me from making the worst mistake of my life—marrying a man who was only interested in my money, never in me. 💔😔

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