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Mom Has Baby In Hospital Then Staff Shocked To Learn It’s A 1 In 48 Million Birth

Off The Record

Mom Has Baby In Hospital Then Staff Shocked To Learn It’s A 1 In 48 Million Birth

It is possible for members of the same family to have the same birth month. There are only 12 weeks in a year.

But for a grandma, a grandchild, and a grandson to all be born in the same month and year? That’s quite unusual!

Kyrsten Moreno’s actual birthday was on February 6. It’s also her mother’s birthday today.

And on the same day, the expecting mother had the distinct impression that her son was going to enter the world.

Kyrsten gave birth to a healthy baby boy, whom she named Aiden, on the evening of February 6.

As if today weren’t enough remarkable, the fact that three generations of their family share the same birthday makes it all the more so.

Director of Obstetrics at Amita Health, Diana Leonard, was astounded by the unbelievable events taking on in the delivery room.

“I was like ‘Are you kidding me?’,” the amazed woman told CBS 2. “Then I start thinking, ‘Have I ever heard of this before? No.’”

The unusual delivery story made headlines all across the hospital.

The hospital staff couldn’t let the day go by without appropriately celebrating the birthdays of its patients. After all, the likelihood of such happening is one in 48,000,000!

“We need a cake. We need a cake because there’s three generations with the same birthday,” Diana said.

The staff got a cake and brought it to the room where Kyrsten and her mother Nadyne Hugmeyer were residing after the birth of their baby girl. They congratulated the family and sang a birthday song to the three honorees.

Kyrsten couldn’t believe she had given birth to Aiden on her special day.

“I’m like, there’s no way he’s going to be born on my birthday,” Kyrsten said.

Kyrsten also reveals that she virtually stole Nadyne’s birthday thunder because she shares a birthday with her mother. And now it appears to be “payback” time, as Aiden shares her birthday as well.

Kyrsten is convinced that everything has just happened by chance, but her mother disagrees.

“I don’t think it was a coincidence. I think it was meant to be,” the grandmother firmly said.

It turns out that this is not the first time something like this has occurred.

According to the Guinness World Records website, the average number of generations sharing a birthdate is four. Currently, seven different families all hold this distinction.

Is it possible to imagine a family where four generations all share the same birthday? What a fantastic celebration of life that would be!


Kyrsten’s family may not be trying to break the record, but if they ever want to become members of the exclusive club, they still need to add another generation.

We’ll have to wait till little Aiden has a kid of his own someday to find out if they share a birthday.

However, the small child would have to get used to the idea that he would have to share the spotlight on his birthday with his mother and grandmother for the foreseeable future.

Do you agree that this is a fantastic tale to tell your pals? The video below provides further details on this extremely unusual event.

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