Off The Record
Meet Megan and Morgan, The “Trueblue Twins” Who Are Taking The Internet By Storm
A Camden musician and tattoo artist who’s quite popular on Instagram, shared a photo of two incredibly cute twin sisters, which opened a whole new door of opportunities for Megan and Morgan, the “Trueblue Twins”.
If you question what’s so special about these two cuties, just look at their appearance! They are child fashion models in the making. The combination of being African-American, along with the angelic blue eyes makes the twin sisters an internet sensation.

If you take a closer look, Megan has two blue eyes, but Morgan has one blue eye and one dark brown eye!
Heterochromia is when a person’s irises are different colors. The best part is that it doesn’t affect eyesight, it just makes Morgan special! Doctors did a thorough examination and results revealed that her vision is untouched. The special eye color is passed down from their mom and grandpa, as well as their uncle who has the same condition as Morgan.

When both of these cuties were born on June 6th, 2011, their mom knew they were going to be special. She frequently dresses both in matching clothes and pays attention to their outlook. They are also quite famous on social media. Today, they have contracts with famous brands, and their stylist is their mom who enjoys taking care of her two babies.
They were even on fashion show in Jacksonville, NC and have been scouted by celebrities like Ray Ray, the band member of Mindless Behavior, Wendy Williams, and Yandy Smith, the ‘Love and Hip Hop’ reality star.

However, every mother wants what’s best for her little ones. They don’t wear any branded clothes and take things slow. She wants them to enjoy childhood too, as they need that experience before they go into the world of fashion. But if they choose to pursue career as models, just by looking at these two, the world of fashion will always have the doors open.

Lovell Knight, the dad of these two cuties, says that sometimes he’s afraid of the attention his babies get and isn’t much into the celeb status for them. He is quite aware that popularity can really affect a person. That’s why he wants them to have a childhood first.

Despite having identical looks, Megan and Morgan are quite different in character, which makes them even more special!
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