Off The Record
Kevin Hart In Wheelchair After Incident Leaves Him Seriously Injured
Much-loved actor and comedian Kevin Hart has been hurt and is using social media to provide a warning.
Read on to find out Kevin Hart’s message to his followers and the details of what happened to him.
Kevin Hart has just turned 44. The performer, though, is as full of vitality and youth as ever. But recently, he had an experience that altered his views about aging.
He posted online, “Ladies and gentlemen, the age 40 is real. To all my men, women out there that are 40 years old and above, it’s not a game,” Hart shared in his post. “Respect that age, or that age will make you respect it. It just made me respect it.”
“I’m in a wheelchair. Why? Well, because I tried to jump out there and do some young stuff… and I was told to sit my ass down,” the comedian went on to explain.
It all started with a disastrous athletic event.
Hart lost a bet with former New England Patriots standout Stevan Ridley that involved a 40-yard dash.
The comedian went on to detail the origins of the problem.
“This debate was based off who’s faster. Those that know me know, I’m pretty fast,” Hart recalled with some humor. “Stevan said, ‘Kevin, there ain’t no way you’re gonna beat me.’ Stevan is an ex-NFL running back, played for the New England Patriots. Very good guy… [So] we get out there, we go run the 40-yard dash.”
“Guys, I blew all my s**t,” Hart revealed, before he went on to give details about his injuries. “I tore my lower abdomen, my abductors are torn, I don’t know what that is but I tore them, I tore those, too. I can’t walk.”
“What are we competing for at this age? What am I doing? Why did I even race? Stupidest s**t ever, now I can’t walk,” Hart said. “What was I thinking, son? I’ve got to be the stupidest man alive.”
In the caption for the video, he simply wrote, “44 and sitting my ass down!!!!! I got to be the dumbest man alive!!!!! What the fk am I doing???? I blew my st….I’m done. FML.”
Celebrity pals stood at his side. “Getting older is REAL!!” the actor Will Smith said recently. Get Well Soon, Kev!
Ridley shared the video with his audience and commented on it as well. He emailed me, saying, “I saw @TomBrady do it at your age so I figured you had the juice too big bro!”
“My bad @KevinHart4Real!” Ridley tweeted to Kevin Hart, apologizing for his earlier tweet. “Heal up and keep making us all laugh!”
Kevin Hart has been in this kind of predicament before. He was seriously injured in a car accident in 2019 and spent ten days in the hospital.
He was in excruciating pain from his three spinal fractures. The actor required immediate surgery and months of recovery time.
The actor Kevin Hart is having such a difficult time right now. Our best wishes and encouragement are being sent his way.
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