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In Less Than 5 Minutes You Will Hear The Best Advice Ever Told


In Less Than 5 Minutes You Will Hear The Best Advice Ever Told

We as humans are bound to be social. We crave love, affection and acceptance from people around us. At times these cravings take a high-road on us and we do not realize the harm it is doing to us. You know how there are toxins in our body? Similarly, there are toxic people in our lives but for some reason, we are so desperate that we ignore their toxicity, allowing them to be in our lives when they do not deserve to be. This video has everything we need to hear with regard to dealing with such people. Listen to it carefully!

Okay, so Madea is a TV character from the TV show Tyler Perry’s House of Pane. Mabel Madea Simmons is played by Tyler Perry himself. It is a tough, elderly black woman who has a bitter nature. This short clip will give you a better glimpse of the kind of woman Madea is – even though hurtful, utterly truthful!

We talked about how we have toxic people in our lives, right? Well, it is exactly what Madea talks about. She talks about letting go those who chose to walk out on us despite of our best behaviour towards to them. She talks about moving on. Surely, it is hard to let go of someone you really love but you have to get through eventually, right? What use is it to have someone so deteriorating to your life after all?

Something which will hit right in the feels is when she talks about seasonal people and those who are there for lifetime. It is definitely something we need to reflect on and make a part of our life. Another aspect of her advice which will make a whole lot of sense is the analogy to a tree – how some people are leaves, some are branches and only a few are the roots.

Only when you listen to her will you be able to understand why letting go is important!

Thanks to DJ ALXXX for publishing this video and make sure to follow Madea on “her” Facebook Page!

Madea – Let People GO!

This is one of, if not THE BEST relationship/friendship/people advice I've EVER heard!!

Posted by DJ ALXXX on Wednesday, November 11, 2015

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