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I Can Not Stop Crying Since I Heard My Husband Talking To His Family About Me

Off The Record

I Can Not Stop Crying Since I Heard My Husband Talking To His Family About Me

As a result of their parents’ business arrangement, Jason and Aria had to quickly get to know one another. The couple was expecting their first child a few months in. However, now that Lily is seven months old, Aria starts to question whether Jason is truly content.

I was not meant to hear it. Perhaps, though, I was destined to.

Family get-togethers often seem familiar for some reason. Chaotic and warm. soothing.

It was the same today.

Source: Midjourney

When we went to see Jason’s parents, our seven-month-old daughter, Lily, was the life of the party. Jason’s mother cared over her, as his aunts and uncles alternately cooed and showered her with affection.

I felt a wave of satisfaction as I watched them from the couch outside.

Jason’s aunt remarked, “She’s just such a beautiful baby, Aria,” “Look at those eyes!”

I gave her a smile and pondered how things may have turned out if Jason’s family hadn’t accepted us for who we were.

Source: Midjourney

Jason and his mother were in the kitchen preparing dinner and setting up the grill outside. In these situations, he always seemed so comfortable, assuming the roles of loving spouse, dedicated father, and loyal son with ease.

That wasn’t always the case. Not at the start, anyway.

We were married while we were young. After all, Jason had just turned 21 and I was only 20. Our parents arranged for us to get married in order to close a business deal.

I initially detested everything about it. After all, Jason and I had just two months to get to know one another before to the wedding.

Source: Midjourney

In such a short period of time, I doubted that love could develop. Particularly between two individuals who were essentially strangers.

However, we made an effort.

And as time went on, we grew to trust one another, discovered our differences, and began to build a life together.

Jason once remarked, “I know that our relationship is based on our parents, Ari,” as we were enjoying some ice cream together. “However, we’ve both made the decision to stick with this for the long run. Correct?”

Source: Midjourney

“Right,” I said as I topped my sundae with chocolate sauce.

“We can be happy, Aria,” he remarked, removing the icing from the cake.

After that, things happened quickly. My father had a vineyard where we were married. And I discovered I was expecting Lily only a few months after we were married.

We were both apprehensive about keeping our child after the unexpected news.

One morning, as I sat and looked at the pregnancy test, he asked me, “What do you want to do?”

“Retain her.” I said, “I believe the baby is a girl.”

Source: Midjourney

Suddenly, a decision was made.

Jason took over in unexpected ways, but neither of us was ready for it. My parents moved to a different state once the business deal closed, leaving me to fend for myself in my marriage while expecting a child.

In order to help me, Jason talked to his parents and made the decision to take a year off from his employment at his father’s business.

He was by my side through every doctor’s visit, every sleepless night, and every episode of morning sickness after that.

Source: Midjourney

Though I leaned into his support, I couldn’t help but wonder if he ever felt the full weight of it. Jason was a lot of things, but he wasn’t emotional. He hardly ever discussed his emotions or the significance of their new life together.

However, I couldn’t help but think back on how far we had come today as I was amidst family chaos.

I got up and walked stealthily down the hall, intending to visit my mother-in-law, Salma, and Jason in the kitchen to see how they were doing.

However, I heard his voice halfway there.

I hesitated so as not to interrupt. I had never heard him speak in such a tone before.

Source: Midjourney

The words “I don’t know what I’d do without Aria and Lily, Mom,” were spoken quietly by Jason.

My heart thumping, I stood motionless. Jason’s pronunciation of my name captured my attention, even though I hadn’t intended to listen in.

He lowered his voice.

Source: Midjourney

“Mom, she has transformed my life. I was still only interested in going to parties and relaxing on the boat. Now, though? Every day when I wake up, I consider how fortunate I am. I mean, I never actually thought I’d be this happy.”

Struggling to hear every word, I remained hidden just around the corner from the kitchen arch. I struggled to comprehend the intensity of his feelings as my mind raced.

This was not Jason’s style of showing off his affections. To be completely honest, I had been wondering if our small life was sufficient for him.

In less than a year, we had gone from being strangers to married and parents. It was all hurried. I therefore questioned if he really felt the same way about me.

Source: Midjourney

Now, though? Do you hear this?

I no longer felt so insecure.

“Without her,” he added, “I wouldn’t be half the man I am today.”

I heard nothing but the sound of something being cut during the interval.

Salma remarked, “That’s beautiful, honey,” “I’m happy that you have these feelings. You know, because of your age, I wasn’t sure about the arrangement when Dad and Aria’s father showed up. I believed that we were preparing you two for failure in general or divorce. However, you two clicked and created something amazing.”

Source: Midjourney

Ari is everything to me, but I don’t express it enough. And my God, Lily! I’ve learned more about love from that young girl than I ever imagined.

Salma remarked, “That’s the love of a parent, my boy,” “And the feeling that comes with being in love and at peace with your relationship.”

My eyes welled up with tears, and I put my hand to my mouth to stop the sob that was about to spill out.

I was listening to the most exquisite confession I’ve ever heard, and Jason was completely unaware that I was there. Those comments meant so much to me that I wanted to jump into the kitchen, embrace him, and tell him so.

Source: Midjourney

But the weight of what I had just heard kept me firmly planted in place.

Rather, a few minutes later, I went outside to play with Lily with the rest of the family.

I took a seat and like, nothing was wrong. It certainly was, but it was also far superior. The world seems more optimistic.

I had been concerned about whether or not we had a future planned. I was aware that we were young. However, I always had the feeling that we were doomed from the beginning.

And although I had always sensed his concern, I was unaware of how profound it was.

Source: Midjourney

How could I have overlooked that?

Was being Lily’s mother too much for me? Had Jason gone unnoticed?

The stillness between us seemed thick that night when we got home and put Lily to bed. Jason ate some of the leftover dessert we brought home while sitting next to me on the couch with his hand on my knee.

He said, “You’ve been quiet,” in a hushed voice. “Is something on your mind?”

Uncertain of where to start, I bit my lip.

I was unsure about Jason’s reaction, but I wanted to tell him what I had heard.

Source: Midjourney

At last, I inhaled deeply.

“I overheard you today… when you were in the kitchen with your mom.”

After a moment of widening, Jason looked down.

He inquired, “What did you hear?”

“You mentioned that without me, you wouldn’t be the guy you are now. I’m everything to you, you said.”

He gasped, “You heard that?”

I gave a nod.

Source: Midjourney

“I came to check whether you folks needed assistance. The rest of the family was with Lily. Jason, I didn’t know. Even though I was aware of your devotion for me, hearing you say that…”

Silently, “Aria, I meant it,” he said. “I don’t express myself enough. I am aware of that. But Aria, it’s true. I can’t fathom my existence without you because you’ve improved me as a person. Not with Lily. You two are everything.”

Source: Midjourney

I wanted to let Jason know how much his words meant to me the next day. I cooked his favorite dinner for the majority of the day and adorned the house with candles and letters that listed all the things I admired about him.

That night, Jason’s expression brightened when he entered.

Source: Midjourney

He smiled as he asked, “What’s all this?”

“This,” I said. “This is how I express my gratitude. For everything.”

We had our romantic supper after putting Lily to bed. And I realized then that we were pleased whether or not it was an arranged marriage. We were also in love.

And that we succeeded.

Source: Midjourney

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