Off The Record
Here’s Why You Should Never Post Online Or Throw Away Your Airport Boarding Pass
Before boarding an airplane, passengers clutch their boarding tickets as if their lives depended on them.
We know that without it, we are not getting on the plane.
Once we’re on board, many of us stop worrying about where it is and start doing other things.
It’s been known to get tucked away in the seatback pocket, stuffed into a magazine, or just discarded.
I had no idea how much trouble I could get into if I misplaced my boarding permit until I saw the video. ‘Krebs on Security’ claims that private data is often encrypted on the pass.
A malicious actor need only take a screenshot of the boarding pass’s bar code and enter it into “Inlite’s” bar code scanner.
CBS forensics specialist Winston Krone noted that the bar code’s encrypted data may include personally identifiable information such as an individual’s email address, physical address, and phone number.
A person’s financial records are easily accessible.
To further protect your privacy, please view the video below.
I never would have dreamed that being careless with my boarding pass could lead to such potential damage…
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