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Girl Gives All of Her Money to Pay a Stranger’s Fine on the Bus, Cries Upon Seeing Him at Her Prom

Off The Record

Girl Gives All of Her Money to Pay a Stranger’s Fine on the Bus, Cries Upon Seeing Him at Her Prom

Even though Carly still had her entire life ahead of her, the prom seemed to be the most significant event. Her mother and grandmother had saved some money for the outfit of her dreams, even though they were struggling financially. But one bus ride made her decide to put other people’s needs before her own happiness.

Carly, a sixteen-year-old girl, shared a small, comfortable apartment with her grandma Holly and mother Dina.

For the family, life had never been especially easy. They had little money and frequently had to make compromises in order to survive.

However, the three of them had a strong kinship that helped to make the difficult times a little more tolerable despite their financial difficulties.

Source: Midjourney

Carly believed that their love was everything, and they were in love.

But today was not like that. Carly sensed the excitement hum in the air.

Though she hadn’t said it much, she had been secretly daydreaming about wearing a stunning outfit to prom in order to feel like she belonged.

Carly tried to disguise her sadness, knowing that her family couldn’t afford anything like that, as everyone at school was talking about their elaborate plans and lavish costumes.

But something remarkable occurred this morning. Dina and Holly, who were both grinning broadly, invited Carly into the kitchen.

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the space, and the sunlight streaming in through the window made the atmosphere cozy. Dina waved Carly to a seat, her eyes gleaming.

“We understand how significant your prom is to you,” Dina said tenderly in the beginning of her speech.

Source: Midjourney

“Even though it’s not much, we’ve been saving up, and we want you to have something special.”

Her grandma slipped an envelope across the table toward Carly, who blinked with astonishment. She was curious, so she opened it and found numerous banknotes neatly tucked inside.

Her throat congealed with breath. Though not enormous, it was more than sufficient to purchase a stunning gown.

She looked up at the two women who had done everything in their power to make her feel special, and her eyes were filled with tears of thanks.

“I’m grateful, Mom. With a voice full of emotion,” Carly said, Thank you, Grandma. “I’m amazed that you took care of this for me.”

Source: Midjourney

Holly extended her arm to give Carly a kind handshake.

“You deserve it, my love,” she grinned tenderly.

“Go now and find a dress that truly makes you feel like a princess.”

Carly hurriedly got ready and left to take the bus to the nearby clothing shop, full of joy and excitement.

Feeling like the happiest girl alive, she clenched the money securely in her fingers.

She was excited and expectant for the moment, picturing the ideal dress that would make her prom night special, even though she had no idea what was about to happen.

Source: Midjourney

Carly was sitting toward the front of the bus, holding the envelope of cash her grandma and mother had given her, as it rattled over the well-traveled uneven roads.

The idea of selecting something exquisite, something that would allow her to feel like a princess even for a single evening, made her heart race. Thinking of the glittering dresses at the dress shop, she grinned to herself.

But then she noticed something moving at the back of the bus. A man was slumped in his seat, wearing tattered clothes and appearing quite anxious.

He kept looking around, as though he was afraid someone might see him.

Source: Midjourney

Carly scowled a little at his peculiar conduct, but she soon went back to thinking about the ideal dress. Perhaps something made of satin or lace?

The bus abruptly came to a stop, startling Carly out of her reverie. As they boarded, two bus station employees went along the aisle to verify that each person’s ticket was valid.

When it was her turn, Carly carefully dug into her pocket and took out her ticket. The employee took one look at it and turned to go. Everything appeared regular until they got to the man in the back.

The employee asked for the man’s ticket as he froze, his hands shaking. His voice faltered as he mumbled, “I… I don’t have it.”

“My wallet is at home,” I said.

Source: Midjourney

The employees looked at each other irritably.

One of them stated firmly, “No ticket means a fine.”

“We’ll have to call the police if you don’t pay up.”

A look of panic crossed the man’s face. His voice trembled even more as he continued, “Please, I’m begging you.”

“My goal is to reach my daughter. I have to take her to the hospital because she is ill. In my hurry, I…forgot my wallet. I simply need to get to her, please.”

The bus drivers didn’t appear to be persuaded. Among them, one shook his head.

“We’ve heard every justification known to man. You will have to defend yourself to the police if you are unable to pay the fine.”

Source: Midjourney

Carly was watching the scene when she suddenly felt a pull at her heart. She could see the fear in his eyes and could sense how desperate he was.

She could not have imagined what it would be like to be so helpless in a position like that, let alone with a sick child waiting for him. There was something about his story that really resonated with her.

Carly stood up after a brief period of hesitation. She walked to the back of the bus, her legs trembling.

She turned to face the man and whispered softly, “Is that true?” “Is your daughter truly that ill?”

With tears welling up in his eyes, the man raised his gaze to meet hers. “She is, indeed,” he muttered.

All I have to do is reach her. I promise not to lie about this, please.

Source: Midjourney

Carly looked down at the envelope of cash she was still holding tightly, and her mind began racing.

However, she couldn’t get rid of the notion that there were more significant things in life than stylish clothing.

She took a deep breath and, without giving it any thought, gave the money to the bus drivers.

She mutely murmured, “I’ll pay his fine,” feeling an odd mix of resolve and sadness.

“The health of his daughter comes first above all else.”

Source: Midjourney

The man looked at her incredulously; she found out later that his name was Rick.

With a tone full of appreciation, he said, “I… I can’t believe you did that.”

“You’ve come to my rescue. I’m grateful.”

Weakly, Carly smiled. It’s alright. I’m hoping she feels well quickly.

Rick enquired about her school and the date of her prom.

We exchanged a few more thank-yous before he ran off the bus to see his daughter. Heartbroken, Carly watched him leave.

Though she had foregone the opportunity to purchase her ideal gown, she secretly prayed that she had made the correct choice.

Source: Midjourney

Carly leaned back in her seat as the bus departed, not knowing what the rest of the day held but feeling a tiny glimmer of optimism that she had assisted someone in need.

Carly headed home with a range of emotions heavy on her heart. Her initial feelings of enthusiasm had given way to melancholy and doubt.

Still, she couldn’t help but feel a little amount of dread as she approached her front door.

Her grandma Holly and mother Dina were waiting for her when she entered, their expressions excited to see the outfit they had given up so much to get for her.

When Dina noticed Carly standing by herself, her smile vanished in an instant.

“Carly, what took place?” With a hint of alarm in her voice, Dina inquired. “Is the dress still here?”

After a moment of hesitation, Carly revealed everything, including how she had used the money meant for the outfit to pay her fine instead of the father on the bus, who had needed money to help his sick daughter.

Source: Midjourney

Dina’s face flushed red with frustration as she spoke.

“You handed the entire sum to an unknown individual?” Dina raised her voice and exclaimed. “Carly, how could you be so innocent? It’s possible that dude was telling you lies! What if he played you off?”

Carly’s heart constricted. She hadn’t given the possibility that she was duped any thought. She became emotional at realizing the significance of her choice.

Seeing that her granddaughter was upset, Holly moved closer to give her a consoling embrace.

Holly reassured her sweetie, “It’s okay, honey.” You carried out your morally sound decision. Giving to the less fortunate is always right. Recall that good things will eventually return to you.

Still furious, Dina said, “But that was all the money we had for your prom! What will you do at this point?”

Carly wiped away her tears, not knowing how to respond. Even though it cost her, she knew she had acted kindly despite her mixed emotions.

Carly had a knot of nerves in her gut as she stood outside the school on the night before the prom. She had opted to dress in an outdated, basic dress that she had worn numerous times in the past.

She felt uncomfortable as she got closer to the door since the faded cloth didn’t gleam or dazzle like the other girls’ gowns did.

Source: Midjourney

She looked around and noticed groups of girls, each one adorned in exquisite, pricey clothes.

As they flaunted the fancy clothes they had chosen, their laughter wafted through the air as they swirled in their costumes.

Carly heard some whispers and giggles aimed at her, and her heart fell. Feeling even smaller and more ashamed, she pulled at the hem of her dress.

Carly, too shy to enter the building with the others, took a seat next to the door with her hands folded in her lap. She almost regretted coming at all, as she felt the weight of the night bearing down on her.

She then felt someone lightly tap her shoulder.

Carly was shocked to see Rick, the guy from the bus, standing there grinning broadly. A small child stood next to him, grasping his hand.

“Carly, this is Haley, my daughter,” Rick stated kindly. “She is now well.”

Haley gave Carly a beaming smile and a gift-wrapped box. Carly grasped it with hesitation, shaking a little in her palms.

Rick nodded encouragingly, and when she carefully opened the box, she discovered a gorgeous prom dress inside. Tears filled her eyes, and her breath stuck in her throat.

Overwhelmed, Carly muttered, “I don’t know what to say.”

Rick grinned. Because you assisted me when no one else would, you’ve already said enough. It’s time for you to go enjoy your evening now.

Carly felt an overwhelming sense of thankfulness. She changed into the dress fast and felt like the princess she had always wanted to be as she confidently strolled into her prom.

Carly grinned, knowing that compassion sometimes does return when you least expect it. The night felt amazing.

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