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Couple Welcome Biracial Twins – Seven Years Later They Are Blessed With Another Miracle

Off The Record

Couple Welcome Biracial Twins – Seven Years Later They Are Blessed With Another Miracle

Alison Spooner and Dean Durrant took the internet by storm couple of years ago when they welcomed mixed-race twins, or so called biracial twins.

Non-identical twins – specifically mixed-race twins – are rare, but the number of interracial couples is growing, so we’ll likely start to see more as the years go on. And while mixed-race twins may appear very different to most, they’re really no different than other non-identical twins, or even brothers and sisters.

Alison is light-skinned with blue eyes and ginger hair, but her husband Dean is of West Indian origin with dark skin, black hair and black eyes.

They hoped the girls would resemble a mix of both parents, but they never imagined they would welcome one daughter just like her mom and the other just like dad.

It’s hard to say Laura and Hayleigh look alike, but when twins grow up together they pick plenty of similar traits. People don’t even believe they are twins when they first introduce to people. There were also mean comments in the past, but they won’t let them affect their sisterhood in any way.

When Laura and Hayleigh turned 7, their parents got pregnant again, but never imagined that they would bring twins into the world, again!

Late in her pregnancy, Dean used to joke with Alison that these twins might be biracial twins again, but for that to happen was like winning the lotto twice in a row!

When Alison was 37 weeks in her pregnancy, there were complications. The babies were in breech position. If your baby is lying bottom or feet first, they are in the breech position.

Right after birth, the baby girls had trouble breathing and were put in intensive care right away. Luckily, it wasn’t anything serious.

When Alison and Dean were allowed to see their kids, they couldn’t believe their eyes. The girls were biracial AGAIN, just like the older sisters. Baby Miya resembled her father, while little Leah inherited her mom’s skin color.

The story went viral again for all the right reasons.

Laura and Hayleigh are now teenagers, and always spend time with their little sisters to guide them through life as experienced biracial twins.

What a beautiful family. We only wish them the best life can bring.

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