Off The Record
Couple Has 3 Sets Of Twins In Less Than 5 Years, But That’s Not The Craziest Part Of This Story
Carrie and Craig Kosinski said “yes” when an old family friend requested them to look after her infant twins.
On a trial basis, Carrie and Craig offered to assume custody of the adorable girls.
But the days became into weeks, and the weeks into months, and before long, the girls were fully integrated into the family.
Having children had always been a dream for Carrie and Craig, but they had no idea what their journey would end up looking like.
Adalynn and Kenna were born on February 28th, 2014. The Kosinkis became the girls’ legal guardians at the age of three months after they were born through emergency C-section to a pregnant woman.
Carrie and Craig’s biological mother contacted them after two years of caring for their adopted twins to tell them that she faced another painful scenario.
She was facing significant challenges in her life and doing her best to overcome them. She approached them with the request to have Cece and J.J., her twin toddlers, adopted by them.
For Kenna and Adalynn, the younger twins played the role of a brother and sister.
The Union Grove, Wisconsin, couple Carrie and Craig deliberated for quite some time before deciding what they believed to be the best course of action.
The couple had tried to conceive several times before deciding to adopt Kenna and Adalynn, but were unsuccessful.
After worrying for a while without knowing why, they finally went to the doctor, who broke some devastating news.
Carrie was told by her doctor that, due to her endometriosis, she would never be able to conceive normally. In other words, having biological children was essentially impossible for them, which is why they sought adoption.
“It was a difficult decision. We were trying to get pregnant ourselves. But they were siblings so that was definitely was part of our consideration — we wanted to keep the siblings together,” Carrie told The Journal Times.

But Carrie and Craig put their worries aside and assured the mother they would be pleased to adopt the younger twins.
Yet, only weeks after adding Cece and J.J. to the family, Carrie began to have unexplained symptoms and knew she needed to see a doctor.
During the month of September of 2015, Carrie found out she was expecting through an ultrasound. The screen suddenly showed not one, but two fetuses! This would be she and Craig’s third set of twins in five years!
”We were in shock, but super happy,” Carrie Kosinski told Today.
Although they were overwhelmed at first, Craig and Carrie recognized their pregnancy was a gift from a higher power. The parents vowed to do everything they could so that all six children would grow up in a safe, loving atmosphere.
However, fate was about to pay the family another visit, and their doctors couldn’t believe what had transpired.
Karraline and Clarissa are biological twins, and they share a birthday with the other sets of twins: February 28.
”We were very shocked. We were like ‘oh my God we are going to have three sets of twins. What are we going to do with ourselves?’”, Carrie recalled.
The fact that all of Carrie and Craig’s children have the same birthday was a strong indicator to the thankful parents that this was supposed to happen.
Carrie tells The Journal Times, “God obviously has a sense of humor.”
In week 25 of her pregnancy, Carrie gave birth to twins Karraline and Clarissa with the help of in vitro fertilization. Their identical twins were born prematurely and spent months in the neonatal critical care unit. Once Karraline and Clarissa were given permission to return home, they were both physically and mentally well.
Having three sets of twins in the same house can be expensive, but many generous neighbors have offered to chip in.
Generous people all throughout the country contributed to the family’s financial needs via crowdfunding platforms like GoFundMe and AdoptTogether.
”I have to be very organized and keep to a schedule, or things get out of hand,” Carrie says.
Craig and Carrie believe that God must have had a special plan for their family because all six of their children were born on the same day: Cece and J.J. on February 28, 2013; Adalynn and Kenna on February 28, 2014; and Karraline and Clarissa on February 28, 2016.
”We believe that because God adopted us into His family that we were meant to adopt these children into our family,” Carrie said. ”It’s such a huge blessing to us. We love all our children the same. We wouldn’t want our lives to be any different.”
Life is good for this family now, and it must be a joy for Carrie and Craig to watch their lovely children develop.
“They are all very different. Each has their very own personality, which is very fun, but we get pulled in six different directions,” Carrie told Today.
Please extend my gratitude to Craig and Carrie for their selfless nature. They’re taking care of four kids like they’re their own, and it’s fantastic.
They were also able to have their own biological children, so it’s as though they got what they deserved.
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