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After Her Husband Dies, She Finds Out She’s Pregnant – Then She Sees The Jaw-dropping Ultrasound

Off The Record

After Her Husband Dies, She Finds Out She’s Pregnant – Then She Sees The Jaw-dropping Ultrasound

It’s tough to imagine a bright future after your life has fallen apart. But even in the darkest of times, hope can emerge.

When Courtney Hill’s husband Bryan was taken from her and their children, she learned this lesson the hard way.

Bryan served in the United States Army for several years, including tours in Iraq, Kuwait, and Afghanistan.

He has put himself in numerous perilous situations throughout the years, yet has always escaped unscathed.

Bryan’s retirement from the Army gave him and Courtney hope for a calmer, more fulfilling life together.

However, they were unaware that impending doom was only around the corner.

Bryan was killed in an automobile crash in February of 2016.

Courtney’s daughter Reagan also had to say goodbye to her great father after his death.

Soon, Courtney’s entire life was consumed with the wake’s preparations.

During this chaotic time, she received the unexpected news that she was pregnant.

Courtney sat at Bryan’s side at the funeral and murmured, “Sweetheart, you’re going to be a dad again.”

“Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn’t know you had, and dealing with fears you didn’t know existed”

Courtney’s grief faded as the months passed. To the best of her abilities, she attempted to settle into her new routine.

Courtney’s terrible stomach pain made matters more complicated, unfortunately.

She went to the doctor out of concern for a miscarriage.

And then Courtney received some further information that completely upended her life.

In the ultrasound, the physicians identified three children: two boys and a girl.

“My jaw dropped. But I was excited to have three more smiles that remind me of him,” she told CBS Chicago.

The dangers of having triplets are high, and Courtney was given some terrible news at her second ultrasound.

Brady, one of the infants, had stopped breathing.

Both Miles and Harper, the other two babies, were born healthy.

Courtney’s delight comes from her sons, Miles and Harper, and her daughter, Reagan.

She’s excited to become a parent since she thinks Bryan would be so pleased with her offspring.

Courtney frequently gets asked if her children Miles and Harper are twins.

“I call them surviving triplets,” she explains with a beaming smile.

Welcome to the world Miles and Harper!💙💗 Miles arrived at 12:59am and weighed 6 lbs 6 oz. His sister, Harper arrived at 1:04am and weighed 5lbs 13 oz. Courtney and the babies are doing great!

Courtney’s family is her source of support while she grieves the loss of her husband and child.

Bryan was a fierce warrior, a mighty man, and a gentle soul. Since her children’s father died before he could meet them, she cherishes every moment she spends with them.

Courtney now values every moment she has with her adorable children because she knows firsthand how quickly joy can be lost.

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Her family hasn’t had an easy go of it, but Courtney is optimistic about the future because of the love and support of her friends and family.
Their experience demonstrates that it is not necessary to live to a ripe old age in order to fully appreciate life.

Please SHARE if you’d like to wish Courtney and her lovely children all the best in the future!

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