Here’s What Happens When We Share An Act Of Kindness
An act of kindness is a gesture of goodwill towards someone. It doesn’t have to cost you anything.
How great is just the thought that our random acts of kindness and good deeds can make someone else’s entire day?
It can be as simple as helping a lady pass the street with heavy bags, giving up your seat for the old lady on the bus, or buying a hot-dog for the hungry homeless man.
It’s a way of connecting for a short moment, and it’s those little seconds that make us feel alive.
What’s important is that it’s an act of expressing genuine care for another person.
We can’t limit the ways in which we can be kind to others – all we need to do is pay attention to those around us and start seeing opportunities to help.
Here are five ideas where you can help others from Brad Aronson:
1. “Want me to pick something up for you?” If you know someone is overwhelmed – perhaps by a new baby, family health issues, or something else – give them a call when you’re going out to the store. Ask if they’d like you to pick something up. We’ve been the beneficiaries of this random act of kindness, and it’s great
2. Tell someone the truth. Sometimes it’s really hard, but it’s what friends do
3. Even easier and quicker than sending letters is texting. You could text someone just to tell them something you appreciate about him. I once send a random text to my relative. He told me that it made him feel awesome. Or, simply text/email a joke.
4. Sometimes we shy away from people when we know they’re having a rough time. We assume we should wait for them to approach us, so we’re not intruding. Instead, ask them how they’re doing. If they don’t want to talk, they’ll say they’re “fine.” Many people will be relieved to have someone to talk to. If you don’t ask, they might never mention anything to you. They might not want to burden you with their problems.
5. Listen. Don’t interrupt. Something I learned from my girlfriend is that people don’t always want us to suggest a solution. They just want us to listen. We underestimate how important and comforting it is to be listened to.
The Ripple effect by Community Chest Singapore
This video is just a simple example where an act of kindness can travel for many years.
Please SHARE this video and remind people how important is to be kind and caring!
Take a look at this beautiful video by Community Chest Singapore:
Thanks to Word of Life for the featured video