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A Millionaire Tears Down An Old Man’s House, Finds A Picture Of Him As A Child Among The Rubble

Off The Record

A Millionaire Tears Down An Old Man’s House, Finds A Picture Of Him As A Child Among The Rubble

An impoverished old man’s house was razed to make way for a mall by a grumpy millionaire who thought money could buy anything. Later, when he was going through the debris, he unintentionally came across an old photo of himself.

Is it possible for someone’s thirst for wealth to make them so blind that they crush other people’s ambitions in order to fulfill their own? Real estate mogul Elliot Morris, of Florida, broke an impoverished old man’s hopes in July 2021 in order to achieve his financial goals.

When Elliot came across the old Joe Brooke’s property, he was looking for the ideal spot to build an opulent shopping center in the city. The young developer was enthralled with the site and resolved to construct his new mall there.

Source: Midjourney

He made the decision to demolish the plot’s old man’s home. Elliot dismissed Old Joe’s objections as a minor inconvenience that was simple to overcome.

“Please, I beg of you. I don’t have anybody, and this house is the only treasured memory I have of my late wife,” Joe begged Elliot, who had visited with his men. “I have nowhere to go. Please don’t make me homeless.”

“How did you get my mom’s photo?” The man asked old Joe. “That’s me with her. Do you know my mom? What is your relationship with her?”

But Elliott turned a deaf ear to the poor old man’s pleas. “Look here, old man. I already talked to the mayor, and he is on my side. I’m bringing this thing down in two weeks. All you’ve got is 14 days to pack your stuff and leave with whatever money I give you. Is it clear?”

Joe was worried, poor thing. He continued to cry and would not take a single penny in return for his cherished home. But Elliot turned aside, beaming, and was anything but kind. Joe heard the obnoxious rich man say, “Two weeks and I’ll be back,” in a weak voice from outside.

Since Joe’s home was a little bit further from his crowded neighborhood, no one came out to support him. For the poor elderly man, the two weeks were nothing short of a nightmare. He hoped that the rich man would have an epiphany and change his mind. Never having packed, he expected a miracle. However, the day of the destruction had come before he knew it.

“Please, I beg you! Please don’t destroy my house!” Old Joe pleaded with Elliot and his men, who arrived two weeks later with heavy machinery outside his house to tear it down.

“Didn’t I tell you to pack your things?” Elliot retorted. “It’s not my problem anymore. Here, take this check and leave. I don’t have time to listen to your silly, old stories.”

Elliot gave his man the order to drive elderly Joe to the assisted living facility. The elderly guy declined to accept the house check that he held out.

Source: Midjourney

Joe gave Elliot a tearful glance before turning to go, saying, “You’ve changed a lot, young man. Money has blinded you and ruined your soul… You cannot buy everything with money.”

“What rubbish! Take this old man from here,” Elliot ordered. He dismissed Joe’s remarks as unimportant and continued to watch the house being demolished. His heart leapt with joy when he witnessed the roof and bricks break off the structure and fall to the ground.

“I’ll be back in a while. Keep working, and do not touch anything until I arrive,” he said, driving past the dusty house in ruins.

Elliot went back to the destroyed location that night to commemorate his achievement. Walking across the broken bricks, he remarked, “Getting rid of that old thorn was so easy!”

It was then that he came across a picture frame’s shattered glass. He gasped in surprise as he glanced at the picture.

“Mom? What is her photo doing here?” he said, picking up the picture. Elliot dusted it and realized it was an old photo of his mom with a baby.

He said, “That’s me,” once again. However, why is our picture in this elderly man’s home? He said, “I have to find out,” and he headed straight to the assisted living facility to visit Joe.

Source: Midjourney

“You? What brought you here?” “Are you not content yet?” When the old guy saw the young builder, he started crying. “What more have you come to destroy?”

Elliot grasped Joe’s hand and showed him the picture he had found among the destroyed ruins, but Joe would not look at him.

He enquired, “How did you get my mom’s photo?” “I’m with her there. Are you familiar with my mother? How are you and her relationship? Elliott was enraged.” Although he was aware that his mother was a single parent, he had several unanswered issues when he discovered her picture at Joe’s home. “Tell me… how do you know my mother?”

Joe stayed silent for a while before letting slip something Elliott was unaware of.

“I found your mother Samantha on the road with a baby in her arms 30 years ago,” Joe replied. “I was on my way home from my wife’s funeral and found your mom hopeless and drenched in the rain while trying to protect you.”

Elliot’s eyes began to well up with tears as soon as he heard this. Inquiringly, “Then what happened?” he inquired.

“I took her in and provided for her needs. Joe told the story of how her boyfriend, your dad, had dumped her for another lady. Samantha lived in my house for five years, and I treated her like my daughter.”

“But why did she move out if she lived with you? We owned a larger home,” Elliot enquired, remaining skeptical of elderly Joe’s admission. “Is there something I’m missing?”

Source: Midjourney

“I bought her a new house and helped her start a small business from my savings. She grew into a successful businesswoman but never forgot this old man. Samantha often visited me until she died ten years ago,” Joe explained. “I had also been to her funeral, but who would notice this poor, old man. You had grown into a successful, rich man, and I was happy to see how she raised you.”

This is when Elliot’s heart gave out. He remembered his mother telling him once that her success was due to a loving father. However, he was unaware that she had been discussing old Joe during this entire time.

Source: Midjourney

Heartbroken and guilty, Elliot made the decision to correct his error. He gave his men the order to build a new house on Joe’s land the following day and posted an “Under Construction” sign there. He demolished the house, and in less than four months, a gorgeous new one was built.

Elliot gave Joe this house as a present and expressed regret to him for being so naive and unaware of his history. In addition, he pledged to try his hardest to repay the elder’s generosity. However, Joe, being the modest man that he was, pardoned the young builder and declined assistance.

“You are my grandson, and I will accept only this house from you, and nothing more. I do not expect any material help from you other than your love,” Joe said, creating a massive impact on Elliot. “You are always welcome to visit this old man as my grandson, not as a wealthy man filled with guilt. Even your mom wanted to help me, and I had told her the same!”

Joe returned to his new home with joy and led a simple life. He gave Elliot inspiration and taught him that love and compassion endure forever.

Ultimately, Elliot constructed a few retirement communities for the city’s elderly population. He provided assistance to those in need and never demolished a house without the owner’s consent.

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