Off The Record
A Girl Performing The Kiki Challenge On A Flute Is Pretty Amazing
It is very unlikely that you wouldn’t have come across the “In My Feelings” challenge on the internet or otherwise called the “Kiki Challenge”. A lot of people took their take on the song and posted efforts on social media platforms. Rather famous personalities of the social media also took part in it. Ariana is one of those people who did the challenge.
There have been numerous variations to the challenge. Some people mixed it with the viral Baby Shark song, while some had additions of a political party song. In the end, everyone who did the challenge had a lot of fun – the mere purpose of such challenges!
Ariana Flute is a musician who has sheer love of flutes. Now, flutes aren’t really trendy in the music world but they produce pretty harmonious compositions if you know how to correctly play one. Ariana has taken her love for flutes and merged it with the Kiki Challenge – result is pretty amazing and you can witness it in the video. In My Feelings by Drake is audible in the background and Ariana puts her expertise on the show out front.
She really seems to enjoy playing flute and why shouldn’t she? Everyone should take pleasure in pursuing their passion. Her fun would probably contaminate your aura too! Most people enjoyed her performance a lot so there isn’t a reason why you shouldn’t. Who knows, maybe you will be dancing along her flute tunes of the song.
Sure, it is unusual to listen to songs on flute but it’s something new and exciting. Maybe it is a new ground for us to explore as well. Maybe Ariana inspired others to try playing flute, you never know! Whatever effects it might have, it was pretty novel to listen to this song on flute and people certainly enjoyed it!
Thanks to Ariana Flute for performing this! Make sure to follow her on Facebook for more!
#inmyfeeelingschallenge on flute 😁
Posted by ArianaFlute on Tuesday, July 24, 2018