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New Toys Appeared On Son’s Grave Every Day, So Mom Decided To Find Out Who Was Doing It

Off The Record

New Toys Appeared On Son’s Grave Every Day, So Mom Decided To Find Out Who Was Doing It

When a grieving mother who goes to her son’s cemetery nearly daily finds baby toys there and uncovers a startling fact about her son’s life, she is shocked.

“A MUSICIAN? Have you lost your mind, Leonard?” Kenneth snapped when his son declared his desire to pursue a career in music.

18-year-old Leonard was excited to pursue his ambition after graduating from high school. Leonard didn’t want to become a lawyer, but his parents urged him to.

Because he didn’t want to make snap decisions about his profession, he took a year off after high school and found that music was what he truly wanted to do. His parents, however, were not enthused when he expressed his wish to pursue a career in music.

“But what’s wrong with becoming a musician, dad?” Leonard complained. “So many people have achieved great success by pursuing their passions. One of those is what I aspire to! A dull desk job is not what I want to do.”

“Look, son,” his father continued. “I have made my decision quite clear, and I don’t want to repeat myself. You’re going to become a successful lawyer just like your grandfather and me. Is that clear?”

Source: Midjourney

“There’s no way, Dad!” Leonard shot back. “You cannot force me to do something I don’t want to do! I want to pursue my passion, music, and that’s what I’ll do!”

“But honey,” his mother intervened. “Your father is not pressuring you. He just doesn’t want you to waste your time over something that’s not even certain. You see, so many people have big dreams, but only a handful achieve them. He’s just worried about you and doesn’t want you to suffer.”

“Oh really, mom?” Leonard lost his temper. “If he really cares about me, he should support me!”

“Let Leonard relax.” His father cautioned him, “Remember that you are speaking to your parents.” “Why don’t you cover the cost of your university education if you wish to be independent? You must comply and listen to us if you want to stay with us. Otherwise, lose yourself!”

“Fine, dad!” “Well,” Leonard said. “One day, I’ll show you all how mistaken you are. In any case, I don’t want to be your responsibility. I’ll establish a reputation and earn money.” After saying that, Leonard left for his room.

Lily, Leonard’s mother, told him to cool down and hash things out later, but Leonard was incensed. That night, he packed his things and left the house, promising never to come back.

Source: Midjourney

Lily repeatedly begged him not to do so. She even attempted to persuade Kenneth to stop their son, but he refused to change his mind because he was so certain of his choices. However, Leonard himself was unconcerned. He left the house that night, cutting off all contact with his parents because he was determined to prove them wrong.

Leonard did not communicate with his parents for three years. Lily tried contacting her son a few times because she was always worried about him, but Leonard never answered, and all of her calls ended up in voicemail.

But one morning, Lily’s phone rang while she was making breakfast. She hurried to answer it after quickly washing her hands, but what she heard on the other end of the line baffled her.

She received a phone call alerting her to the death of her son, Leonard. The small child died before arriving at the hospital after being engaged in a motorcycle accident.

Lily started crying because she couldn’t believe her darling kid was dead. “Not at all! That is not possible!” My son has not suffered any harm. She sobbed loudly enough to call Kenneth, who was shocked to see Lily on the floor of their living room, sobbing uncontrollably while holding her phone.

Source: Midjourney

“Honey, what’s the matter?” With concern, Kenneth inquired. But Lily was unable to answer.

That’s when Kenneth grabbed the phone out of Lily’s hand. “Who is this?” “Hello?”

Officer Duncan is phoning, sir. We regret to notify you of the motorcycle accident that claimed the life of your son, Leonard Williams, this morning. To be sure the boy’s body belongs to Leonard, we would appreciate it if you could visit as soon as possible. We called you after finding your number on his phone.

What Kenneth was hearing was unbelievable. “Do you think that’s our Leonard, officer? This…this isn’t possible.”

“Observe, sir. On the victim’s phone, we discovered this contact.” This was the number for “mom.” In any case, you ought to visit and verify the body. Officer Duncan said, “Thank you,” and hung up.

Lily and Kenneth were devastated. In the hopes that all they had heard was an accident or a horrible dream that would end soon, they hurried from Chicago to Milwaukee, where the officer had claimed Leonard’s body was.

Source: Midjourney

But when they got to the morgue, they couldn’t believe their son was the pale-skinned, dead boy. Kenneth had tears running down his cheeks, while Lily was crying on the ground.

Too devastated to take Leonard back to their hometown, where their estranged relationship had started, Kenneth and Lily planned their son’s burial the following day in Milwaukee and said goodbye to Leonard. However, their relationship was strained after the death of their son.

As Lily persisted in accusing Kenneth of evicting their son from their house, Kenneth grew very silent, drank a lot, and secretly cursed himself for being a bad father.

Kenneth never bothered to go to Leonard’s grave with Lily in the days that followed. He could never find the resolve to approach his son since he felt bad about it. Lily, nevertheless, made the two-hour drive each day to visit her son’s grave.

She had just arrived at Leonard’s grave one day when she saw a little teddy bear next to it. Thinking that someone must have accidentally left it there, she took it off and put it aside. Then she put the bouquet she had purchased in its place and sat there for a while, talking to her son before heading off.

Source: Midjourney

But when she went back to the grave the following day, the teddy bear was once again there, along with a number of other toys.

At this point, she couldn’t tell if they had been intentionally left there. The caregiver stated he didn’t know anything when she questioned him if he did.

When Lily returned the following day, all of her suspicions about who could be delivering gifts to her son’s grave had been dispelled.

That day, Lily had just arrived at the cemetery when she saw a young woman with a baby in her arms standing in front of Leonard’s grave. The woman appeared to be praying since her eyes were closed. She left after a few minutes, leaving a toy by Leonard’s grave.

Unable to control her curiosity, Lily chose to go up to her. “I’m sorry,” she said. Is my son familiar to you? I just saw that you put a toy next to his grave. Have you been engaging in this behavior for days?

The woman seems rather taken aback. “Are you Williams, Lily? Leonard’s mom?”

“You know me?” Lily’s gaze expanded.

Source: Midjourney

The woman answered, “Of course, Mrs. Williams,” with tears in her eyes. Lily noticed an odd dread and terror in her tears. “My name is Carrie. Leonard’s girlfriend is me. And this infant is our son, Henry.”

When Lily gazed at the child, she was astounded by what she saw. Her late son was just like the infant! “But Leonard, he never…”

“I never imagined we’d meet like this, Mrs. Williams,” Carrie said. “You were sorely missed by Leonard. He wanted to get back in touch with you, but…” The woman nearly started crying.

After Lily comforted her, they strolled to a neighboring park. Carrie told Lily the entire story while sitting there and dabbing at her tears.

When Leonard moved to Carrie’s town to follow his aspirations, he ended up meeting her. But because he didn’t have enough money, he started working as a part-time waitress at a diner, where he met Carrie.

After they moved in together, Carrie became pregnant over a year later. Leonard was ecstatic! Although it wasn’t a huge hit, the song he wrote in honor of his future child got a lot of attention in some US areas.

That motivated him to advance in his career, and he started pounding on the doors of different producers. Some even consented to work with him. But when the man got into an accident, Carrie and Leonard suffered tragedy.

Source: Midjourney

Carrie was sent to the hospital that very morning since she was experiencing labor pains. She didn’t know Leonard was in an accident; a neighbor had called the ambulance for her. After the delivery, she remained asleep for several days, and upon awakening, she discovered Leonard had died.

The widow started going to his cemetery nearly every day because she couldn’t stop crying. Leonard had bought their child the toys she had been leaving behind.

“I didn’t know what to do when I found out he had died,” Carrie continued. “I learned that Leonard was dead when the police used his driver’s license to find out my address. They also claimed that you and Mr. Williams were responsible for organizing the funeral in Milwaukee. I made individual calls to the graves and found Leonard present.”

“I didn’t know how to meet you, but I wanted to someday. Leonard cherished you and vowed to bring you and his father here when he rose to fame so that we may all live together in happiness. Unfortunately, though, that did not occur.”

Source: Midjourney

When Lily heard that, she started crying uncontrollably. She didn’t want to lose her grandchild any more than she had lost her son. Declaring that Carrie and Henry were just as much a member of her family as Leonard, she extended an invitation for them to move in with her. After some hesitation, the young woman finally gave in to Lily’s pressure.

Both Lily and Kenneth’s lives improved as a result of that unfortunate day. Henry grew to love Kenneth as a grandfather, and Lily’s relationship with him improved as a result of her growing patience and understanding of him.

Carrie feels privileged to have met Lily and Kenneth, Henry’s loving grandparents. They also assisted her in getting a reputable label to publish Leonard’s song.

According to Carrie, Lily and Kenneth are completely supportive of Henry, who is now five years old and very proud of his father’s musical career. Henry hopes to follow in his father’s footsteps.

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