104-Year Old Japanese Doctor Reveals 14 Timeless Pieces Of Wisdom We All Need To Know
Sheigeaki Hinohara is a 104 year old doctor from Japan. He’s written over a hundred books, one being ‘Living Long, Living Good’. He is also the founder of the ‘New Elderly Movement’ which helps people find happiness and longevity.
He himself is a prime example of the ideas he professes. Through his works, Hinohara has given us some fascinating tips on how to live the kind of life he leads.
Keep reading to learn more about what he has to say:
1. Find someone you can look up to
For Hinohara, this was his dad. He believes that everyone needs someone to look up to. Every time he has a problem, he stops to think about what his dad would have done in his place. Who is your role model that you look up to?
2. Tell others what you know
Year after year, Dr. Hinohara has been travelling around Japan, lecturing to students and workers, giving about 150 lectures a year. He tells them about his life and gives them essential advice. Despite his advanced age, he usually continues to stand while delivering lectures. That is pretty impressive for a 104 years old person, isn’t it?
3. We need more than science to heal ourselves
Not one person is the same as another. We are all different in our own special ways and Dr. Hinohara says that we can use arts to heal ourselves.
4. Pain is a mystery
Just do something you enjoy so that you can heal. Sing along to your favorite song or have fun with your dog. He believes that having fun heals your pain.
5. Eat healthy
Every day, Dr. Hinohara drinks coffee, OJ and a little bit of olive oil in the morning. In the afternoon, he has cookies and milk. At night, he usually has fish, veggies and some rice. He makes it a point to eat some lean meat at least twice a week.
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6. Just keep working for as long as you wish to
If you’re truly passionate about your job and it makes you happy, don’t bother with retirement. Keep on working for as long as you want to, if you enjoy doing what you do.
7. Don’t let money be your only ambition
While we need money to fulfill our desires, we can’t take it with us when we die. Don’t let money be your only goal in life.
8. Go up the stairs and ignore the elevator
Even at 104 years old, Dr. Hinohara makes it a point to take the stairs. He even manages them two at a time. Unless you’re taking the elevator to get to the 60th floor, choose the stairs instead if we are only talking about a few floors.
9. Look for something that inspires you
It can get hard to find motivation by yourself, so look for someone or something that inspires you to keep going and work hard. Find your inspiration!
10. Question your doctors until you find the right answers
Try to look for answers on your own as well. While doctors do have a vast amount of knowledge, they can sometimes go wrong. Keep asking them questions, do your own research and get other opinions so that you can make an informed decision about your personal health.
11. You never know what’s going to happen so don’t worry when something goes out of your control
When Dr. Hinohara was 79, he was captured by the Red Army. He was handcuffed to a seat for a few days in hot weather. He stills marvels at the way his body managed to resist the torture.
12. Have a good time
Despite his busy schedule, Dr. Hinohara find happiness at all times. Try to have fun and simply be happy!
13. You’ll feel energetic if you stay happy and positive
Look back at your childhood and try to go back to when you could actually have fun. When you’re having a good time, you’ll feel more energetic and you’ll be too distracted to crave unhealthy food. Happiness and positivity will keep you healthy and full with energy!
14. Make a plan
To find success, you need to know how you are going to go about it. Dr. Hinohara for example, is busy planning his trip to the Olympics in 2020.