80-Year-Old Lady Tear Up The Floor On Britain’s Got Talent With Her Amazing Salsa Dance
Watch Paddy and Nico tear up the floor on Britain’s Got Talent with their mind-boggling salsa!
Dance is not for the old? Says who? In case you share similar belief, it is time you watch Paddy, an 80-year-old lady, pull one of the finest salsa you have witnessed in a while! Yes, you read that correct: 80-year-old! She showed up with her dance partner and teacher, Nico, on the stage of Britain’s Got Talent. It’s a British talent TV show, carrying its name from the Got Talent franchise globally.
When the couple appears on the stage, Paddy’s appearance is quite charming for an 80-year-old. Judges ask obvious questions but the couple remains cool while answering. Now, just as the performance takes a kick-start, what happens is what most of us would expect from an 80-year-old: slow, uninteresting dance moves.
Then, Simon, one of the judges, presses the buzzer and bam! The whole scenario takes a turn. Paddy starts swirling around like an 18-year-old, Nico assists her in pulling off some classic Salsa moves and she looks incredibly graceful performing them. From the look on Simon’s face from thereon, it is quite obvious he realizes the haste decision he made earlier!
Before they start their performance, Paddy states that as long as the spectators are enjoying what they do, the couple would be alright. When Paddy and Nico start their actual performance, all which is visible is excitement, amazement and awe amongst the entire audience, including the judges and the hosts, present at the set of Britain’s Got Talent.
There is cheering, hooting and appreciative claps from the audience! Judges exchange surprising glances and Paddy just seems to be lost in the moment!
Oh, you would be smiling widely when the video ends! It is probably one of the best things you will see today.
Paddy is an empowered woman who would have inspired many more of her age!
Thanks to Britain’s Got Talent for this amazing video! Make sure to like their Facebook Page!