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A persistent cough and 9 other warning signals that could mean you have cancer

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A persistent cough and 9 other warning signals that could mean you have cancer

Medical professionals have narrowed down on ten symptoms that could be indicators for cancer. They are recognized internationally and everybody should keep an eye out for them.

Over eight million people succumb to fatal diseases annually. When caught in the initial stages, they can be treated, so all symptoms should always be taken seriously.

Cancer Research UK’s 2016 survey showed that around half the people who had a symptom, didn’t consult their doctors. So if you know someone dealing with any of these indicators, or if you yourself are suffering, consult with your doctor as soon as possible.

Continue reading to find out about the symptoms:

1. Continuous coughing – lung cancer

There aren’t many symptoms that can be discerned in the initial stages of lung cancer but there are small signs that are often easily dismissed. If you have a cough that isn’t getting better, it could mean that you have lung cancer. Watch out for other signs like an aching chest, breathlessness and a hoarse throat.

2. Changing moles – skin cancer

The riskiest type of skin cancer is Melanoma and it can affect any part of the body. It is usually seen on your limbs, face and back. While it is unusual for it to affect other organs, it is not unheard of. The most visible symptom of melanoma is the appearance of a mole you haven’t had before or a difference in an already existing mole.

Related article: Cancer Slowly Dies When You Start Eating These 7 Foods

3.  Shifting bowel movements – bowel cancer

This type of cancer can be recognized by the appearance of RBC in a person’s excrement, a difference in their bowel patterns, diarrhea and stomach aches. Most people who are affected by it get it once they are past the age of sixty years old.

4. Sores that stay open – Mouth and other kinds of cancer

The Cancer Treatment Centers of America have stated that lesions that don’t close are the most visible indicators for mouth cancer. Another symptom is a constant ache in the mouth. Cancer Research UK advises that a person should go to the doctor if their sores remain open for too long, even if there is no discomfort at all.

5. Trouble swallowing – esophageal cancer

There are quite a few medical problems that cause trouble swallowing but if it continues for some time, you should consult a doctor. Combined with a drastic decrease in weight, it might indicate cancer.

6. Strange lumps – Breast, testicles and other kinds of cancer

If you can feel lumps especially in the breasts, testicles, and the lymph nodes, it is a major indicator for cancer. The tissue becoming thicker is a sign that the cancer has already spread. You must see the doctor immediately.

Must-Read: Breasts: The Owner’s Manual: Every Woman’s Guide to Reducing Cancer Risk, Making Treatment Choices, and Optimizing Outcomes

7. Sudden bleeding – Various forms of cancer, usually bowel, cervical or vulval

This can be an indicator for the initial as well as the latter stage of cancer. Blood coming up when you cough is a symptom for lung cancer and bleeding during your bowel movements is an indicator of colon or rectal cancer. The vagina also bleeds when a person has cervical or endometrium cancer. If you bleed while peeing, it could be a sign of cancer in the bladder, kidney or prostate. If fluid oozes out of the nipple, it might signify breast cancer.

8. Sudden decrease in weight – different kinds of cancer

Research conducted by the American Cancer Society shows that a sudden loss of more than 10 lbs without any effort is a possible symptom of cancer. This is usually a symptom of pancreatic, stomach, esophageal, and lung cancer.

9. Continuously differing bladder movements – bladder or prostate cancer

Urinating very often, inability to urinate even when you feel like you need to, pain when trying to urinate and bleeding are all symptoms you should relay to a medical professional.

10. Aches that can’t be explained – Bone, testicles and other kinds of cancer

A sudden ache is a common symptom for many kinds of cancer but usually for cancers of the bone and testicles. Headaches might indicate brain cancer and an aching back could point to cancer of the colon, rectum or ovaries. Usually when the aching begins, it means that the cancer has advanced to other regions of the body.

Top 3 Books About Cancer You Must Read:

  1. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
  2. Dying To Be Me: My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing
  3. Breasts: The Owner’s Manual: Every Woman’s Guide to Reducing Cancer Risk, Making Treatment Choices, and Optimizing Outcomes

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