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Woman Lost 350 Pounds But Then Bullies Nearly Ruined Her Beach Vacation

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Woman Lost 350 Pounds But Then Bullies Nearly Ruined Her Beach Vacation

Jacquelina Adan was an obese woman who was determined to get slim. Throughout her journey she had many ups and downs, especially in her mind, but after years of mental battle she managed to lose 350 pounds!

For such a long time that she hadn’t put on bathing suit, she finally found the courage to put one. A few cruel onlookers were pointing and laughing because of her looks, but this incredible woman didn’t let a few trolls ruin her special day. Her response was priceless!

Jacquelina used to weigh over 500 pounds. For years she refused to put on a bathing suit because of her previous look, but after an inspiring weight loss journey things have changed!

The preschool teacher realized that she has to rebuild her entire life when she got stuck in Disneyland in a turnstile. She ran to the bathroom and cried. “I was pretty much mortified,” she said. But she wiped her tears and dedicate her entire soul to change.

Credit: Instagram/@jacquelineadan44

She put herself on a scale and nearly passed out from the number that came out: she was 510 pounds.

“I thought I was going to pass out,” she said. “This could not be real life.”

Jacquelina put her sleeves up and she made up her mind: she was going to lose at least half her size.

Of course, wanting something and actually doing it are two different things, but Jaquelina dedicate years of her life to consult with nutritionists, eat right and exercise. It was all worth it when she lost 350 pounds.

Woman Who Lost 350 Pounds Get Bullied

Fast forward years after the humiliating moment in Disneyland, Jacquelina went to Mexico for vacation. that was the moment when she decided to put on a bathing suit without a coverup — something she hadn’t done for so long.

“I was nervous to take my cover up off and to walk into the pool or walk on the beach. I still felt like that same 500 pound girl,” Jacquelina explained.

But Jacquelina was dedicated to face her fears.

If the people around her knew how much blood, sweat and tears she put to shape herself and look like that, perhaps they would feel ashamed for shaming her. People pointed and laughed at Jacquelina.

The unnecessary body shaming could ruin her entire vacation, but she didn’t let that happen again.

“I would have allowed their comments to affect my vacation and I probably would not have gone to the beach or pool again,” she says.

But she’s a changed woman!

A Changed Woman

She doesn’t say the nasty comments from the trolls didn’t touch her emotional side, but she decided not to dwell on the opinion of stranger who didn’t know her at all. She swallow it up, took a deep breath, then choose to walk and smile in the pool.

“That was a huge moment for me,” she said. “I had changed. I was not the same girl anymore.”

Cruel teasing still hurts, but throughout her tough journey she changed her outlook on life.

“That’s when it hit me … they have no idea about my weight loss, so why am I going to let their opinions affect me? How I feel about myself is what matters,” she says. “And so that’s exactly why I smiled at them and jumped into the pool!”

God has an amazing way of turning pain into purpose and vision. Since her weight loss journey, Jacquelina is a dedicated blogger to uplift those who need it most. After showing her stunning journey, it quickly went viral.

“Knowing that it has reached so many people and that I am getting so many comments and messages of people telling me how much this post has helped them truly means the world to me!” she says. “I want people to know that if I can feel confident and beautiful in my body, with lots of loose skin, even after losing 350 lbs., then I hope they can focus on who they are and forget everyone else who tries to bring them down!”

What an inspirational story!

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