Off The Record
Thug Gets Quick Karma When People Give Him A A Taste Of His Own Medicine After Beating Girlfriend
A violent bully who repeatedly punched his terrified girlfriend at the scene came under fire from several witnesses, leaving him with a black eye.
After having consumed alcohol “excessively” at the bar, Ryan Parker showed up at the woman’s house and insulted her, calling her a waste of space and saying she deserved to die.
After around 14 years of dating, the 32-year-old started acting violently toward his partner, striking and smacking her in the face before slamming her to the ground.

As Parker continued to kick the woman who was on the ground, onlookers kicked him until he passed out.
The aggressive lover was assaulted on July 28 of this year, leaving him with a black eye, a shattered eye socket, and a broken cheekbone. Hull Crown Court heard that he was sentenced to 20 months in prison for the attack.
Parker, of Portobello Street, off Holderness Road in east Hull, acknowledged wielding a knife, threatening language, and actual physical harm during the incident.
Parker and the woman had been dating for almost 14 years at the time, but Oliver Shipley, the prosecutor, claimed that the relationship had been tumultuous and had grown worse over time. After playing darts at a pub, he was belligerent and hostile when he arrived at her house.
Parker spat on her, telling her she was a waste of space and that she should die. With such power, he slapped her across the face, sending her sprawling to the ground.
Parker persisted in striking and kicking her in the face, head, and body, resulting in bruises and swelling. Parker was standing outside the open entrance of the house, threatening anyone who dared enter.
“The defendant was threatening anybody who tried to help,” said Mr. Shipley.
“She eventually managed to get out of the property through the door and out into the street, where she screamed for help. The defendant continued his behaviour on the street while in possession of a knife.”
Parker was holding the knife when he was nasty to a neighbor who tried to assist him. When Parker returned to the house, armed response police took him into custody.

He answered all of the questions throughout the police interrogation without comment. He didn’t have any prior convictions.
Subsequently, the mom expressed her fear for her own life as well as her children’s.
“I do not want Parker anywhere near my property or my children,” she said. “I am truly broken and shocked about the whole situation.”
Parker sustained injuries in the incident as a result of others setting him up, according to Ben Hammersley, who was acting as a mediator. “He suffered a fractured eye socket and a fractured cheekbone,” said Mr. Hammersley.
Parker was brought to the hospital after receiving on-site medical attention from paramedics. There was a scar next to his eye from it.
“When he came to, having been knocked unconscious, he was fearful that he was still being assaulted,” said Mr. Hammersley.
It was a one-off assault by Parker on the woman and he acted out of character, it was claimed. “This was an isolated incident,” said Mr. Hammersley. “He has no desire to contact her whatsoever.”
Parker had been employed full-time prior to being placed under arrest, having been in detention for just over a month.

Deputy circuit judge Timothy Clayson told Parker: “You became abusive to her before becoming violent. She described you slapping her, pushing her around and trying to force her out of the door, in the course of which she was caused to fall to the floor.”
“She described violence to the face with numerous punches to the face. Clearly, excessive drinking was the fuel for everything. It was a sustained assault. This is a very serious matter.”
“The overall offences here are so serious that only immediate custody is appropriate. There was a serious risk of disorder by your production of this knife.”
Parker received a six-year restraining order in addition to a 20-month prison sentence.
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